Volunteer things needed for picnic

I couldn’t manage it and noone stepped up. We have cotton candy to delight. It only involves three things - much easier. Thanks for being so cool nick. Get it. Cool. Ohhhh

I can help with the silent auction at the picnic
When are you placing things on cards? I should
be able co come out to space and help on that


I’m going to have all that done before. Just need help setting stuff out and collecting the bids when time is up.


I can bring the Square on Saturday.


I’m going to run by ace mart today. Is there anything that I need to get from there?
Are we good on plastic ware?

I bought spoons (500) & cups (140) for ice cream. Could not find decent price on ice cream cones so we will do cups.

I think they bring plasticware for the BBQ.

I bought four bags of cups for you and 200 spoons as well…swimming in stuff. :slight_smile:

I did a costco run early - thank you we should be good.

How about power? Has anyone checked if there is power onsite?

I can bring a baby Honda generator if we need power but I need to know if we need more than 1800 watts as I would rather bring the small gen than larger.

What needs power?

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Yes two outlets at the park.

I do need one other person to fill up the gadorade container and bring it. We bought lemonade and gadorade and bottle waters.

The cotton candy machine.

I can bring an extension cord.
May not be a bad idea to bring the generator just in case the power onsite doesn’t work.


I have the mother of all extension cords. 10 outlets. Heavy duty. Used to run power tools at a mass woodworking event. I’ve put it in my car.

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We have a HUGE amount of stuff for the silent auction. This looks like a solid mess - but it will be unveiled at the park.

We have a list of names and numbers. The people who are showing at the park and didn’t buy a ticket…well it’s going to be an additional step for you guys to get a number - sorry bout ya.

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I can return what I bought. But will bring them just in case.


Do we know if there is going to be pickles, sliced Jalapeños & sliced onions?

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Directions from the space, Mapquest wants me to go out the toll road, I need HELP sppm

Coming from DMS?

South on Monetary to Valwood. Turn left (East).

East on Valwood to Josey. Turn left (North).

North on Josey to Beltline. Turn right (East).

East on Beltline to Kelly. Turn left (North).

North on Kelly, past Keller Springs, to Heads. As you approach Heads, the school then the park are on the right. Turn right (Southish).

Turn left to go into the park parking lot or right to go into the school parking lot.

Google Maps


They said relish tray. I’m not sure what that is.