Volunteer Opportunity - New Member Orientation

We would appreciate help with the new member orientation. Ideally these would be once every week after Saturday tours or every couple of weeks. We already have slides and a rough script so it’s easy to get started and an orientation currently takes around 30 minutes. Please send me a PM if interested. :slight_smile:

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What time do we do orientations, I could probably do one or two times a month

We used to do them at 1pm on Saturdays but that’s not a requirement. It would be nice to do them after tours whenever possible but any day/time that you have available would be greatly appreciated.

Let’s see who else can help and then pick a time. 1pm on Saturday would work for me

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I think we can coordinate timing of orientations in the tour guide chat because everyone who has been interested in helping is in there. I’m working on some revisions to the slides and then I’ll post there. :slight_smile:

If anyone else is interested feel free to send a PM! I greatly appreciate everyone who has offered to help. :slight_smile:

Once I get back I could probably do one Saturday a month. (I would try to do more, but really can’t commit.)

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Really, more of our classes/events should be conducted this way, with, say, 8 volunteers for 1xwk classes, each @ 1/mo, and we can avoid burning out as quickly and enjoy it all a lot more. We do seem to have a really tough time coordinating this, though… When we had (very briefly) 4 instructors willing to do 1/mo PlasmaCAM classes, it was really nice, got a lot of people taught a lot of CNC Plasma-ing…just didn’t really hold together…

Thank you for doing what you can. Now we just need another handful of folks to do 1/mo and we can rotate through…


Is new member orientation eligible for honorariums?