@talkers is going to print up some extra shirts for the maker crawl on November 4th.
From what I understand he’s going to print them on Wednesday and could use some help/entertainment - but all can correlate the exact time together.
Would anyone or anyone’s like to assist and learn a bit about printing along the way.
We are going to give shirts to the people that show us around the space as a thank you. I believe small gestures are sweet and go far.
I gave Gorman a list of shirts needed as I understand them I will try to remember to update the list on Tuesday.
So far here is what I’ve had on response (people we will be meeting up with in Denton):
Medium - 6
Large - 8
XL - 6
This is people from The Factory, The Foundary, Stoke, Scrap and a few people who signed up via Facebook for the maker meet up.
However bust out as many as you have the patience for and we will make use of them. I’ve allocated $75 (raw goods) of the monthly fee we get to pull off the parties for this. All extras will be used for the Dallas Makercrawl later this year.
This class was last Wednesday, but there is a Making Screens class scheduled on Nov. 18th and a Screenprinting T-Shirts and Totes scheduled on Nov. 19th. Both still have openings.