Video: Scio, A Hand-held Spectrometer For The Masses

“SCiO: Your Sixth Sense”

We actually talked about a product like this on my podcast Nerd Absurd.

Link to the episdoe:

This was a while back, but if I remember correctly Oguz felt that these kinds of items where over promising.

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I’m skeptical of the claim that a simple scan could tell you which watermelon is sweetest.

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Certainly not by scanning the outer rind. I suppose if it were sensitive enough you could maybe see the relative sugar levels if you scanned the flesh. But by that point you’d have already broken into said watermelon and the fancy high-tech scan won’t do you any better than taking a bite.

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It’s like CSI where they use a chemical analyser to analyze chemicals at the crime scene, but without the right software how would you know what the results means?

The video gives me the impression that the data is sent up to a cloud service, where it is analyzed, and the results are returned to your smartphone.

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Now if we could do DNA sequencing with a pocket device like this…

That raises questions of privacy.

What happens when you can tell who around you is pregnant, or has cancer, or is on drugs, just by scanning with your cell phone?


What happens when you can tell who around you is pregnant, or has cancer, or is on drugs, just by >scanning with your cell phone?

I hate to alarm you, but sometimes I can discern these factors without a cell phone.