VHDL - Hardware for Programmers

I am going to be teaching a VHDL course starting the 18th of June and I have a preliminary course to teach programmers enough hardware to be able to understand the language. The class starts June 8th and is online, no physical presence needed.

So, if you are interested in VHDL or just want to be able to talk to the hardware guys, give the class a look.



There was a VHDL class at DMS a couple years ago that went really in depth in digital logic, going into 74xx breadboarding, then working in Verilog.

I would definitely be interested in this class, is there a way to sign up?

You need to wait for the class to be approved. I’ll post the second class in a few days.

What hardware do we need to participate properly?

Nothing. Everything is software.

Just ran across this from IEEEE
Video lectures are in English.

The class has been posted on the schedule. You need to sign up for both parts. This class will take place even if there is only one student.

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In general it helps to post a link to the class, and announce it in /c/Education/upcoming-classes

I just cancelled for both.

Discourse is a non-starter for me.
Having to install software would be complicated as well.

Weekend classes, less the Discourse component, might be doable in future.

Or I may go the self study route.

Have you tried using google classroom?

Not relevant.

I’m not certain what you mean. Talk is based on Discourse software.


I checked the class description and not finding the platform.
Do you mean Discord, perhaps? @dludden
