VECTOR - February 2021 Classes & Meetings

Hi everyone, the week after next will be a busy one for VECTOR!

It kicks off Tuesday 2/9 at 7 PM with a reprise of the Bad Caps class. If you missed it with Raymond last week, it was quite a smash hit, with about 40 people attending virtually. Join @Raymond and @childofthehorn for their narration and expertise, and come with your most burning or most difficult questions.

Then, Thursday 2/11 at 7 PM is our committee meeting, at the North Lobby Classroom and online at .

On Saturday 2/13 at 2 PM is the February meeting of the AmigaMCCC Users Group, and we will be fawning over old Amiga computers from the 1980s/1990s.

There will probably be a third edition of the Bad Caps class given later this month on a weekend during the early afternoon. The timing of this is TBD.

While the first three events have been submitted to the Calendar, they are still in their 48/72-hour grace periods as of this post, so you can find them with a bit of clever hacking around. :wink: I will follow up with links once they are fully visible.


Links to our Events next week are now available!

Some More BAD CAPS class: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
VECTOR February committee meeting: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
AmigaMCCC Users Group meeting:
Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

Hope to see you there!

Caps class was excellent. I already used some of the info to order some new capacitors for one of my projects!


Hey folks, just a reminder that the Bad Caps class is tonight, and we still have open spots! If you missed it last time, @Raymond and @childofthehorn will be narrating a thorough presentation on the usage of capacitors, their failure modes, good/bad brands, and how to replace them. If you’re into collecting or fixing electronics, this is good information!

Sign up here: Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar You’ll get a Google Calendar invite sent to your registered email address. Hope to see you there!

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