Vacuum Chamber and Pump

These are out of order at this time. No one will be able to use either until further notice (unless you bring your own vacuum pump.)

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Do you know what happened?

Tim was helping me with it tonight. He said it’s pulling a good vacuum but there was a mystery substance in the tubing. He is going to help me change the oil tomorrow and we should be back in business (hopefully.)


I will bring mine for the pressure pot/vacuum chamber class Friday just in case.

That would be good, however- someone very generously donated a new pot and pump last night. I was not there and did not catch a name. It will be designated instructor use only so we have it for classes. I have not tested out the new setup.


I’ll be bringing mine for the wood stabilization classes so all good on my end as well.


I donated the new pot/pump. Pulls fine, the pump is a smaller model than what you guys already have, so it will evacuate slower and probably doesn’t pull as much vacuum. There’s a small labeled bottle of vac oil in the CA room. Second silver cabinet from the left with the resins.
The gauge needs to be inspected for fluid level before use. I cannot guarantee that it stayed sealed during moving.


Thank you so much. It really means a lot and we so needed a backup, it was really next on our list to purchase. The Resin SIG just started in January so we are building up our cache. It will definitely get good use! I also saw you donated some molding supplies and thank you for that as well!
Do you do resin casting or was it for woodworking?

I did a bit of resin casting. Never had the free time to really sink into it, but the intent was to have a way to do cheap prototyping molds for injection/polymer pour casting so I could rapid proto designs for pre production test fitting and testing. May want to segregate the IE3075/silicone I donated from the general CA supplies though. It’s high quality engineering grade stuff and CA might just use it for art…

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Thank you for the donation @Edenblue showed me last night.

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That you! !!!

@Edenblue I don’t think I am going to be able to make it by my supply house to grab some vacuum pump oil today. I was hoping to be further along at work but am going to have to end up working somewhat late.

That’s ok! We don’t have anything immediately pressing. We can meet another night.

I hope a new pump has not been purchased. I have a few that may be of use . If needed contact me by text. I don’t answer voice calls I didn’t recognize.
Text Fred Miller @ 972 620 4848.

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I would be curious to know more about the vacuum pumps you have. Are they for sale or resin SIG loan?

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Donate . I f they can be used.One is setup on wheels with gauges and valves. It is made my Gaust I think.Not sure of the spelling .Has external filter like a mason jar.

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Hi Fred,
We may be interested! Would you happen to be able to take pictures? No rush. If text is preferred I can contact you there instead. My # 469-223-2692.

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I have them in storage. I will try to get a few pics.


The model is Gast 0211-P3B. [email protected] -1.3 CFM.

We changed the oil in the pump. It wasn’t the worst I’ve seen.
Here is what microns it pulled down to.

This is what it pulled down to a couple weeks ago.