Vaccine Booster Point of Reference

First, Thank you for acknowledging that eradicating Covid is a tough challenge. Personally, I’d say, impossible at this point, but that’s just an opinion.

" but if you have enough vaccinated souls to greatly expand the difficulty of the COVID virus to find an infectible person"

Not sure where you got this idea. Not that it is not a good one and true with smallpox and polio, however, we wear masks to protect OTHERS. If people fully vaccinated can still pass Covid to others and have to wear masks, then the meaning of “fully vaccinated” is a bit confused and certainly not the same as small pox and polio. Also, they call them “breakthrough” infections but from the reports, breakthroughs are anything but rare. Again, that’s my opinion based on the reporting, but it seems logical.
From what I can best tell, being fully vaccinated means if you do contract it, it probably will not hospitalize you. This is ,in my opinion,is the best reason to be fully vaccinated.
That being said, Fauci has indicated that its probably a matter of time until the definition of fully vaccinated will require yet another booster. What kind of vaccine doesn’t actually vaccinate? I mean, isn’t that the logical conclusion? It’s a temporary fix? Perhaps we do not yet have the right vaccine.
Small Pox and Polio were defeated because they lost the need to mutate rapidly. They had been around for so long a potent vaccine was able to be created.
Speaking of which, the Cutter incident with smallpox is a matter of historic fact. Not sure I can fault those resistant to being vaccinated but they do face a risk and bullying them, which seems to be a thing these days, is a bad idea. When did we lose our ability to persuade? Or as I was taught, the best way to sell something is to let someone know why its something good for them.
Again, some of what I think is opinion. The best thing we can do is admit what is opinion and what is actually provable fact.

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Oh my god! I typed a long response and hit something on the keyboard that made it all disappear!!! Guess it was the electrons telling me I needed to be less wordy. Here’s a much more concise response:

Breakthrough infections: Yes COVID is very contagious. Maybe that’s why is has to be boosted?? Maybe it’s not the perfect vaccine?? Remember you are very comfortable with vaccination boosting … tetanus requires it and we think nothing of that. The Israeli data says the immunity fades, but jumps to new highs with a boost. Maybe our bodies need some number of boosters for immunity to stabilize at a high enough level. Maybe it will be like tetanus and always require boosters. Maybe a more perfect vaccine will be developed. It’s a developing story.

That was the initial mantra. I don’t think you can find that on the CDC site anymore (at least I couldn’t last time I tried.) Opinion alert: I think any decent mask protects both parties to some extent. COVID guidance in the early days was much about touch and wiping surfaces, etc. With time it was narrowed down to airway contamination. Since our bodies have some level of immunity, the challenge is to ensure the dosage rate is slower than the immune system speed to destroy. Simply put, a mask slows transmission rate which means the dosage rate is slowed.

Neither of the two other coronaviruses have vaccines (SARS & MERS). Both are more deadly than COVID, but are less contagious. Both have faded considerably due to steps taken to stop exposure. COVID is the most contagious of the three. I think (opinion alert) that fewer vaccinated folks get infected, those who do are typically less severe cases with shorter durations. All those things reduce exposure to others. Just as SARS & MERS declined by reducing the opportunity for the infected to “dose” the uninfected, vaccination should do the same thing with COVID. An aggressive vaccine uptake should result in a spiraling down of the situation by lowering the opportunity for someone to get a bigger dose than their immune system can handle.

I am OK with those who are truly fearful of adverse reaction and waiting for feedback. But my tolerance declines as millions are successfully vaccinated. In no way does my tolerance extend to those who object due to microchipping, magnetizing, denying COVID is real, politics, etc.

We didn’t. In fact we have become experts in it. Millions have been persuaded that they don’t need the vaccine. So the problem isn’t a lack of persuasive ability, it is a failure to choose a correct direction for the persuasive activity. A wise man observed that it is easier to fool many than it is to get one to admit they were fooled. Politics and media ratings drove denial on day one. I think (opinion alert) this tactic was a tragic mistake for society, but once fooled …

My first two Pfizer shots at Dallas Motor Speedway.

1st Dose - slightly sore arm, less than my tetanus shot

2nd Dose - no side effects at all. I was so surprised by this that I wondered if I had gotten a placebo. LOL Prior to going on a trip overseas, I had my doctor check for Covid antibodies to make sure I had not received saline.

3rd Dose (Booster) was at CVS. NO symptoms of any kind.

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I had near-zero effects from my first Pfizer doses. Got boosted on Thursday with Pfizer as well. Friday I had to have a cortisone injection in my knee. And it’s allergy season. Felt kinda crappy Friday night, kept thinking I had a fever but never did, and scratchy throat. So I’m thinking it was allergies and/or cortisone. My arm only got sore for about an hour on the evening of the booster. Feel fine today.


I was born in 1951 so there were kids my age that got polio. I sort of looked out. I was one what they now call the polio pioneers we were the group of kids that got are polio vaccine before it was approved. What my parents said is that they made it available to the children of medical professionals and since my dad was a pharmacist he was able to get me into the polio was something my parents didn’t have to worry about since I think I was three or four when I got my vaccination. I am so proud of my parents and always have been for caring about me alien


It is not well known but there were vaccines in development for both SARS and MERS and I believe the SARS vaccine however it ended up not being needed because the virus run its course. One thing to think about if I virus is too deadly are mites people way too sick it often have problems becoming a major it is quite to be more contagious and not quite as not your scheduling but making people seriously ill. People are more likely to have mild cases that if they might never know. We need to remember that at least four of our cold viruses are Coronavirus. Coronavirus has are not new to people are animals Marion let me make a comment on the Annie box movement it has been around for quite a few years one of my hobbies is debunking bad science on the internet and I have Tangled with the any vaxxers for at least 10 years. I really kind of put them as the chemtrail believers are there conspiracy Folks Gotta ignore science Spar whatever conspiracy they like. I will admit I don’t understand them. Play crust science when it comes to engineering planes that stay in the sky and bridges it don’t fall but then I don’t trust science in another area as mr. Spock would say that is not logical. it’s quite possible whatever and small villages and it may have been the village died out nobody knew why. Covid-19 seems to have the

FWIW, I got the booster plus flu vaccine last Wednesday.

I felt a little dizzy and dry mouthed almost immediately afterwards, that lasted a couple hours.

My arm felt really sore the next night, that lasted about the night.

And that’s been it so far…

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Which booster did you get? I got the Pfizer but my doctor wants two weeks between vaccinations. The symptoms you had are usually what I get, if I get them, with flu.

I got Moderna.

When I got my first shot, I had flu symptoms that came in three waves, each wave a little shorter and less intense than the last. With the second shot the trend continued with one last wave, and now this so far with the booster…


I’ve had Moderna 1, 2 & booster (12/17). Fortunate to have had nothing more than a barely sore arm with each.

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Moderna 1, 2, booster 12/17

My wife and I experienced moderate to high head, arm, and body aches for a day. We couldn’t do anything but sleep it off.

I would definitely say the booster is the worst followed by the second shot.


Yep. Second shot nothing. Booster laid me out sleepy the entire following day. Definitely a shot for a Thursday :slight_smile: