V-Carve Question

So quick question- i’m trying to get scheduled in the CNC basics class, but I’ve been unsuccessful. In the meantime (at the suggestion of another member) I downloaded v-carve pro trial version. I went through the v-carve tutorials and put together some projects. I am stoked about trying to get them worked on (when I eventually get trained on the machine). Steve Jensen (thanks Steve) offered to run the projects on the router. So here’s the question- the files created on the free version would not open on the maker space version. Does anybody know a way to convert or is this just part of the deal and I need to redraw all of those projects once I finally get into the class?



You can take your trial version file and create the gcode by this process http://www.vectric.com/products/makerspaceedition/how-does-it-work.html.
Email [email protected] and we can get you the ID. Then when you work with Steve he can import it and actually create the gcode.