I need to use the large copier by the room where they have the board meetings, I assume it is over wifi. Sorry for the weird request.
Define “use”… it has a lot of different functions. Come see me in the common room if you need detailed help with it.
Stan is the “Answer Man”
I just need to print a lot of pages that would take forever on my printer.
If you want to print black and white from your computer, install the printer at \\prdc1\dms copier
Don’t forget to throw some money in the coffer if you print a lot.
Be SURE BEFORE YOU PRINT to select mono, copier defaults to color. Color is 10 cents per side B&W is 1 cent per side. It records sho’s printing so the difference for 100 pages is $1 vs $10.
Posting instructions and payment info at the printer would be really helpful
Where’s pricing? How does a person know that if they print a page that’s only black and white but they don’t select mono they have to pay for color? (as David mentioned above) Can people put payment in any cash box around the space? I’ve heard that question asked a bunch without a clear answer.
Also I just bought a pack of wall mount sign holder things to post information in the laser area. There will be an extra or two if we’d like to use it to post this kind of info on the wall above the printer.
That would be great. There was pricing on the wall once upon a time, but someone took it down and no one reads signs around here anyway.
I say the answer to that is more signs!
I’ll bring them up to the space this weekend and mount it or hand it off to you. Was thinking about putting them on the doors too where event posters usually get taped. I really just can’t stand the look of half torn papers applied with blue tape And think of how much tape we’ll save!