I canceled my Frontier service recently and since the DVR was provided from Verizon Fios I didn’t have to return it. It was a brand new model when I got it two years ago and it’s still in like new condition. The model is Motorola QIP 7232. I tried repurposing it to be an OTA DVR but it doesn’t have the capability to see the transmissions in OTA frequencies. I don’t think it would benefit someone as a replacement for their DVR from Frontier as you would need Frontier to re-license it.
It’s basically a computer, I’d expect it could be re-purposed for something. Anyone have ideas? Anyone looking for one for a project?
Are you sure it is not still Frontier property and that they will expect you to return it. I did the same thing as you last month (I’m now a relatively happy YouTube TV customer/product) as well, and my DVR was 7 years old and I still had to send it back.
I actually contacted them twice about it, because it was issued from Verizon - Frontier didn’t want it back. They bought Fios in this area while we were customers.
I would get it in some form of writing. I’ve heard lots of horror stories about people not returning their equipment and getting outrageous bills for ancient gear that they were told over the phone not to bother with.
Yep…me too. SO I videotaped my whole packaging and trip to UPS, and saved the receipt/confirmation they gave me. The UPS guy even told me, unprompted, to be sure to save it. I then called them and asked if I was being recorded, to which they said yes, and said I have just dropped off…etc., and my UPS confirmation number is etc. Seriously, I did all that because Verizon/Frontier is that horrible of a company/industry, and there is virtually no recourse if they decide to screw you.