Since a few categories seem locked, I’ve popped this into off topic.
Anyway… Greetings, makers. I’ve tried to keep up during my hiatus to the north, but am afraid I have no clear idea of how the expansion is going. Back to Big D in November. Will the MakerSpace be fully operational?
And before the handful of you gritch and growl, you know I do my part when I’m there. I’m not sure, however, that I have much interest in showing up if there’s nothing working. And, I’ve kept up enough to know that the tool lists are out of date as a resource.
Perhaps a clean and public review of the expansion and timeline would help encourage membership? I’m kind of one of those people who wants to know what I’m buying before I buy it. For instance, what’s the update on a wide-format printer? It’s been a while…
Depending on what you want to do - the answer is “yes”.
Is expansion done?
Not even remotely close.
Is there a timeline? No.
Will there be a timeline? Doubtful.
Currently we are in the process of gathering info/details for electrical in 102.
Do to “financial concerns” and other “issues”, things will be done piecemeal.
Everybody needs to pitch in and be patient. It’s gonnan take awhile, probably a long while…
Wide Format Printer SIG has been formed headed by Paul Wilson @Hardsuit
Currently available printer is in room off of the new CA area.
Rules and costs to use along w/ training is in the works.
There is a smaller wide format printer in the Expansion Rm.
It’s being used to print floor plan, electrical, plumbing, etc.
My understanding is it will be donated to CA when expansion is done
I want to print photos to canvas and overpaint them with acrylic.
I want to continue my practicing of transferring photo copies to thin birch plywood.
I also will need a sewing machine now and then, and that looks doable.
Promising indeed.
Thanks y’all.
if you want the make space expanded faster you’re welcome to contribute some skills/ work
There should still be a “to do list” posted up around various places. I know creative arts used to have a “15 min volunteer opportunities” list that i would regularly go thru when i was waiting on stuff to dry / print
To address the concerns from the OP, I am happy to report that the Makerspace has been fully functional for me. While there is a bit of chaos with all the moving parts I have been able to continue and even finish several projects using tools from woodshop, metals, machine shop, automotive, 3D printing, and electronics. It’s all up and fully functional. There is no need to wait for expansion to finish; come join us and the space will only get better over the next few months as expansion unfolds.