Upcoming Wood Shop Classes

Late notice on this class but there will be a class tomorrow on how to prepare green wood for turning. It is limited to 8 spots. It is a free class but I created a donation option if you wish to donate to wood shop for the class.

July 25th at 12 (noon) we will have another wood shop 101. It will be a class on basic safety in the wood shop and general wood shop rules.

Directly after wood shop 101 there will be a short class on just the Saw Stop.

Tentatively there will be a class on July 27th for the CNC router, but that is all dependent on the Jump Server being fixed by then.

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Where can we go to see when the next CNC router class will be for the Multicam?? Thank you!

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I don’t believe there is one currently scheduled, the jump server has to be fixed first.

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Upcomming classes

August 5th CNC Router Training Tickets are $50

August 10th Wood Shop 101 - Free to All Members
Required Class for use of the Table Saw and Jointer.

August 11th and 12th we have a intro to wood Sculpting and carving class.
Tickets are $25 for the 2 days to help offset some of the tools we bought for it.

More should be added in the near future. Hope people can attend.

Wood Shop 101 … is that at 6:30 tonight? (Google Calendar doesn’t seem to want to post events right now.)


6:30pm is what I have in my calendar…

I see I just missed one, but when will the next 101 class be held?

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When will the next intro class be? I don’t see one on the schedule.


9/16 at 7:30pm. I just need to add it to the calendar.

Thank you for adding it.

I just added one for 9/21, just before I saw the forum. Alex, I can reschedule mine for later in the week, if it serves the membership better.

No. Let’s keep it. The more the better. It’ll help keep the class sizes small.

I just looked at the calendar and neither date is there yet. Looking forward to the class.

I see the Woodshop 101 on Monday 9/21 on the calendar. In fact it’s the only one for that day.

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I have added the class for the 16th. Please grab a free spot here: Wood Shop Introduction Tickets, Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 7:30 PM | Eventbrite

There is also a class on the 19th

Another on the 23rd

Another on the 26th

Another on the 30th

Then one on October 3rd but the Eventbrite hasn’t been created for that yet.

If you have never taken a wood shop course, it is a must before using the Table Saw and Jointer.

Manny it looks like Brian beat us both on creating classes (which is GREAT!) Can you focus on the pen turning?