Understanding Chipload and the CNC Router

If you’re a CNC Router user (and really, any user of powered cutting tools), you really need to understand the concept of chipload. So what is it, and why is it important?

In a nutshell, the chipload of a router bit (or mill, etc.), is defined as the design width of the little chip of material the bit should be cutting on each rotation.

The chipload is a fundamental number needed to determine the correct spindle feed and speed (F&S) to use for a given tool and material on the big router. Using the correct F&S is hugely important. Too low a chipload, causes bits to overheat and dull quickly, break, and produce fine dust instead of chips, Too fast, and the bit can’t get an appropriate bite of the material, and begins to chatter - making it overheat and dull, or breaking the bit.

Chipload is effected by several factors, including the design of the bit, the number of edges (flutes) of the bit, and type of material being cut. Hardwood produces a lower chipload than plywood, for example, because plywood is much easier to cut. Chipload is also effected by the depth of cut in relation to the diameter of the cutting surface of the tool.

A few important facts:
• Heat produced by the work and friction as the bit moved through the cut, is almost wholly dissapated by the chips produced. If the chips are too small, not enough heat is moved. Too large, and chattering and increased friction cause too much heat to be produced. Heat kills bits, dulls their cutting edges, and causes the steels in them to soften - and break!
• Best finish is always produced at the correct chipload of the bit
• Best speed is always produced at the chipload
• MDF is particularly problematic, since cutting at the wrong F&S increases the health hazard of everyone in the shop, and destroys the filter on our dust collector.

  • GWizard produces inappropriately low chiploads for the CNC Router. You’ll need to do the (easy) math yourself.
    • Chicks dig chipload studs! Dudes too!

Typical chiploads:

To correctly determine the correct F&S of your bit, use the follolwing simple equations
Feedrate (at 1 x cutter diameter depth of cut) = ChipLoad x NumberOfFlutes x SpindleSpeed(RPM)

So, let’s say we’re cutting a piece of Walnut, with a 2-flute spiral 1/4" upcut end mill. For our depth of cut per pass, we select 1/4", and a starting RPM of 18,000.

Feedrate = .009 x 2 x 18000 = 324 IPM.

That’s using the lowest chipload for that size bit, and represents the lowest starting point of our feed rate. If you want to cut deeper that the cutting edge diameter of the bit, use the following factors:

2x the CED = multiply feedrate by .75
3x the CED= multiply the feedrate by .5

Now, an exceptionally hard or tight-grained wood might need a little bit lower chipload, but not a lot. If you run that bit much slower, you’ll start generating a lot of friction, as the bit is rotating too slowly to eject the chips fast enough to take a fresh bite, and you’ll be reducing the ability of the bit to cool itself by tossing out chips. You’ll start to make a lot of dust instead of chips, the bit will heat up over time, get dull, and begin to get soft.

A good comparison, is looking at what happens when you run a board through the jointer too slowly. It makes a lot of dust, and usually burns the wood. You need to keep that board moving, and this is true of your router bits as well.
The same is true if you cut too fast - the bit doesn’t have enough time to cut a chip, so you begin to make dust, the heat doesn’t get dissapated, and you add the additional torque of pushing the bit into the stock faster than you are cutting it. A loud screech, a lot of dust, and possibly a snapped bit are your result.

The above chart is true for most types of bits, but some bits have unusual cutting geometries, like ball nose bit, vBits, compression bits, etc. You need to look up the chipload value for the type of bit you are using.

This seems counter-intuitive to some folks. They rationalize, that a slower running bit is less risky, less likely to break, and the safer choice. This is just flatly wrong, and such people do nothing more than damage our bits, and destroy our dust collector.

Onsrud publishes a really great guide to chiploads at: https://www.onsrud.com/xdoc/feedspeeds


Great post, Brian.

The same principles apply to all machining processes. Lots of engineers have spent lots of time perfection tool designs, embrace them!

Yep, but they really only matter in cnc operation. When operating a manual machine you don’t have the ability to control all of the aspects with the same precision. That is why manual operations involve developing a ‘feel’ for getting close to the proper cutting loads.

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The calculations don’t matter for hand routing (for example), but the principles definitely do.

How do we apply these calculation with VCarve to make sure that we are producing G-Code that uses optimal feedrates for our materials?

These calculations should already be integrated into VCarve. You really only need to know this if your setting up a machine or using materials for which a machine is not already set-up for (which is a NO NO in wood shop). Normal end-users of CNC machines don’t need to know this stuff, just the folks who set-up those machines.

Feeds and speeds are override-able in VCarve. As far as I know, there is no way to lock it out. @Tapper and I (among others) suspect some users are modifying their feeds and speeds under the auspices of safety or risk mitigation without regard to tool life or dust collection. These suspicions are based on observations in the shop.

In general, I think education mitigates problems.

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Sadly, if there isn’t a way to lock it out then I agree. However, there should never be a need for a normal user to adjust speed or feeds on a properly set-up CNC machine.

On a side note, the one problem with education is a little is often more dangerous then none at least for anyone with some common sense!

But the tools in VCarve are not material specific. There isn’t a 1/4" endmill for hardwoods, and a 1/4 endmill for soft plywood, and a 1/4" endmill for MDF, etc. For example the description for the 1/4" endmill in VCarve says preferred for MDF and plywood, yet the chart @Tapper provided shows the high chip load for plywood to be the low chip load for MDF. So if the the IPM for the 1/4" endmill is setup in the middle of the soft plywood specs, then it is too slow for cutting MDF.

Do you understand my questioning this? I don’t want to do anything to damage the equipment at DMS, so I want to be sure that there isn’t anything I should be doing when I create my toolpaths that will cause a problem.

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It has been a while since I used VCarve, but as I remember you specify which material your using and the software adjusts the speeds and feeds for the material.

Unlike a metal CNC machine, there really isn’t a difference in the tooling used for hardwoods and other wood like materials (at least there doesn’t need to be). The reason is that all wood materials are far more alike in properties then say aluminum and brass which can use the same end mills as well. What is different is how fast and aggressive you can cut the different materials.

That would be the Multicam? (As opposed to the ShapeOko.)

Ok, so the material selection isn’t just for the appearance of the 3D preview; it actually affects the G-Code that is produced?

Multiple sources of confusion here.

In VCarve, the material selection IS just for appearance. VCarve isn’t like FeatureCAM, where at some point you specify your material and it knows the properties of it and adjusts feeds and speed appropriately.

What we need to do to make VCarve play nice with various materials is duplicate our tools in the tool database for various materials. This has not happened yet, and therefore, we’re cutting MDF too slow etc. (the numbers are conservative). We need a separate tool database folder for varying materials. It’s something that needs to be done, but time and stuff…


There have been plans for some time to re do the tool library. If you go into Vcarve and look at the Tool Library you will see a DO NOT USE area. This is where I was planning on putting in the tools for each material, but just like Kent said time and stuff happened…


Thank you both @Kentamanos & @AlexRhodes for the clarification.

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Sorry guys, I didn’t realize VCarve didn’t adjust for the material. I just assumed (you know what that means) that since it didn’t have different tool cribs for different materials that it did what FeatureCAM does.

Sorry for any confusion I introduced.


As Alex pointed out, we need to update the tool library, but even then, there are caveats. First, as tools dull, their chipload decreases, and this often requires a little manual intervention at the fob - but is very hard thing to teach, especially to new users. Also, there’s a lot of variation even among similar materials. MDF, for example, can vary in hardness and density quite a lot between manufacturers.


Actually, chipload applies to all machine driven cutting tools, but most especially to CNC tools, where the feedrates and rpms involved can get pretty high. So yes, this apples to the shapeoko as well.

With respect to manual mills (a CNC router is just another version of a milling machine), tables have been developed and published for various materials, using feedrates that approximate manual feeds. These tables provide lookups for RPMs rather than feedrates.

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Would classes on speeds&feeds make?
I ask because, although I know these tables exist, and are likely at the MakerSpace, I have no idea how to find or use them with any aplumb, even though I *think * I know how. I could totally see a class to teach finding and using these tables, including woods & metals of various types…
Of course, most of us THINK we know or understand how to use them, if we can find them, but usually, in my experience, actually DOING it, most of us fail.

Also, posters made & hung of the stuff at the top of this thread would be swell, though probably little used or understood (see above).

The tables are in the machinery handbook, which is located on the workbench shelf.

They provide cutting speed in surface feet per minute, feed rate, and cutting depth for a wide variety of materials with various types of cutting tool compositions.

Well worth getting acquainted with it.