Do we have a tubing notcher?
I am in need of replacing and welding back in some 1/2 and 3./4 pieces of a chassis stiffener that took a big rock on 75
Do we have a tubing notcher?
I am in need of replacing and welding back in some 1/2 and 3./4 pieces of a chassis stiffener that took a big rock on 75
No we do not have it currently. Its on the list for expansion though. Metal & Machine shop are going to split the cost of one. We have a partial JD2 but it’s missing the shaft for the hole saw
+1 for needing a tubing notcher, could we go ahead and order one?
Before I forget let’s find out which JD2 unit it is, so I can ask if we can get a new shaft.
I think we have the more basic unit, which is about $250-300 new. The fancier unit is about $400 new.
If we can get replacement parts all the better, but if not heck I might just donate it.
I think this should be researched and discussed at the Metal Shop meeting, no buys till committee reviews and places it buying priority queue. I’ve brought up at Machine Shop the possibility of certain tools, such as this, it be a shared expense so a better quality tool can be bought.
For example, we’ve had good luck with Baileigh tools, this is a much more robustly built tool… This tube notcher looks moire robust and has more ability to adjust angles over a 22040 degree range vs 50 degrees. scale is much easier to read. The Baileigh is limited to 2.5" dia vs 3" but can notch down to 0.500" vs 0.750". Not sure how many 3" tubes projects there are out there. Also self-centers so no misaligned notches.
[Baileigh TN-250 Notcher](Baileigh
I’m sure there are other out there to look at.
I’ll donate one of those Baileigh units instead if that’s what we want in the end. My reference to the JD setup was more along the lines that we had half of a set already if it was just finishing the set that we decide on.
I’ll bring it up with the next meeting which doesn’t currently have a date because of the open house. I’m thinking the Sunday after instead, or for the Friday afternoon/evening before so we can also have a cleaning session/
This would be less than the $500 requiring a committee vote, the chair could place the order today
and as a donation for a small footprint tool as well, though I would prefer donating the funds earmarked to make things cleaner.
Some chairs and committees prefer that larger purchases be discussed and approved with the committee and fit into the committee priorities of spending even if under $500. Lot’s of under $500 purchases can deplete and frustrate committee goals.
Some committees also end up going years without basic tooling that could benefit members, I didn’t realize a $200 purchase is considered a large tool expenditure for an organization hopefully approaching 1 million / year in revenue in the near future
I don’t see the benefit of spending 4x on an $800 notcher vs a $200 notcher when we currently have 0 notchers
I think Metal Shop and Machine Shop is in the mode of buying better tools that last longer and perform better than just something cheap “because we don’t have one.” Come to Metal Shop committee meetings and advocate for the tool(s) you want, if the committee agrees it will be bought.
Why such a hurry on the notcher all of the sudden?
I think people mischaracterize Brandon a lot (“all of the sudden” in this case). He is probably basing his post on the fact that it’s been in demand at least since July with no action.
Do you mean:
Just because something isn’t purchased doesn’t mean there was no action taken or it wasn’t considered. Some committees, I’ll use Metal Shop, Machine Shop, and Creative Arts as I’m familiar most with those committees, they have a list of “What do we want to buy?” and a priority of order for buying them. It isn’t just one person saying “Hey it’s under $500 I want to buy this?” I’m sure a lot of committees run this way as it puts a premium on member involvement. I personally am favor the committee involvement in deciding tools and priority being voted on.
Woah, nelly! I’m not saying anythingmore than that from this thread, there doesn’t appear to have been a notcher made available even though there is apparent demand since at least July (and I would guess longer).
I guess the immediate option would be just clamp the pipe in the bridgeport with a holesaw, I hadn’t considered that approach
The cheapest tool would be $60 from harbor freight, what are the pros and cons of the Baleigh TN-210H ($295) vs the TN-250 ($800)? Looks like mainly just the clamping mechanism
For only 50x more could get a cnc plasma notcher,
that remains to be seen. I for one am not in favor. Just because it is mechanized does not make it a machining process. And I don’t really see how it benefits the machine shop. The main use for this would probably be for welding and making roll bars and cages. Something more in line with what Automotive and Motor Sports would want.
If it truly going to benefit everyone, then ask the BoD for money. They’ve spent tens of thousands on frivolous equipment that just sits there. And I think this will be one of those. It will get used a few times to satisfy a few immediate projects and then sit. IMHO.
I joined makerspace for tools like a notcher and tubing Bender.
When is the next metal shop meeting ?
Would like to propose a purchase of the simple Eastwood unit ~$64
We have part of a notcher currently, though it needs new parts (a JD2)
Before we buy anything a proposal is being brought to the machine shop meeting tomorrow for a joint purchase of a nicer notcher kit that handles proper centering etc better.
Great, don’t see the meeting on the Event calendar, when is it ?