Trying to Reinstate Veteran Membership Cancelled for Nonpayment

Hey all,

I haven’t been to the space in a while, but had been maintaining my membership so I could get back in when I was able to. My debit card changed in December, and my membership payment for that month failed. Since then, I’ve moved and haven’t had the money to get it set back up, but I do now. I went ahead and updated all of my address and payment info in the Member Portal, and saw the option to sign back up for the monthly membership in Services, but I wasn’t sure if I needed to resubmit my info for the veteran discount, or if it would carryover.

Also, are there specific trainings that do or don’t carry over? I saw the previous post in November mentioning that they should carry over, but there’s some I know I may be timing out on, and some intro classes I’d like to go through again as a refresher, as space availability permits. Or alternatively, if I could link up with folks in shops just to reorient, that’d be great.

I’m looking forward to getting around the space again. Hopefully gonna be in sometime in the next week or two. Happy making, yall! :grin:

Also, while I’m updating info: is there a way to change my name in the system to the name I use instead of my legal name? I understand needing it for payment and legal reasons, and don’t mind that, but I don’t go by that name in any other context, so signing up for classes can get confusing, because the name I go by is the name I use here, so I have to explain each class to whoever is doing it, because it differs from the name on their sign up roster. Not a huge deal, just something that would be nice to take care of if I can.

Recommending opening a ticket in the billing portal for more specific/tailored information.
Reapplying for/requesting the veteran membership rate is recommended; it doesn’t carry over to new services, but should be straightforward enough.
Tool training will carry over in most cases. Be sure to sign back up for new member services on the existing billing account (same old email address) to link them back up. It is possible some trainings have changed and may be re-required (e.g. woodshop requires new training when something significant gets swapped out), but otherwise, all will be retained.
I don’t think there’s a straight-forward way to get names changed in the billing system, and that does need to be the legal name. I don’t know on the calendar (where the name that appears on class rosters would be stored), but asking in the ticket should get a response from the folks who know the calendar’s capabilities.

Welcome back!

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Yeah, the calendar nor makermanager (nor the computers technically) currently support nicknames/alternate names right now. It is on the to-do list of things to get added, but there are some annoying complexities with linking everything together.


If your account lapses for any reason and you re-add a service any existing discounts will be dropped. You may also experience a base membership increase because some old plans are no longer offered, e.g. Starving Hacker.

Opening a case in the accounting portal as Jast suggested is the way to request a restoration of something like a Veteran discount. Note: We will not be able to restore plans that are no longer offered due to current policy; you must remain active on discontinued plans to retain them.

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Got the billing sorted out, just gotta resubmit for the discount. Thanks for yall’s help! :grin:

Working on getting my key fob reactivated, but that’s just the next step lol. Tried the badge page, but it was looking for a number, and I didn’t see one on the fob. I created another topic for it though.

If your badge is worn down enough that it can’t be read, you should bring it to the Space. The computers in the Common Room all have RFID readers attached to them. You can log into MakerManager there, and reactivate your fob without having to try and read the number. Mine is completely rubbed off, too.

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