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As a former board member, I am really surprised you posted this out here in the open instead of sending us an email if you have a complaint against another member.


I am not making, or planing on making, a formal complaint? I was bringing what I consider to be troubling behavior to the attention of all. I have already received one contact saying SS was trolling their posts as well and how/if to complain formally. As a moderator, President and a Director >>surely<< you were already aware of SS troubling behavior? has been going on a long time. Moderators have NO business throwing shade at anyone, no matter what their feelings on a particular post or subject.

And as a former director I would have had no problem with a post like this…but I gussets that goes without saying. I am am still one those members in favor of a certain level of transparency

Adding: if you want me to send in a formal complaint, I would, of course.

Hypocrisy committed by those who gave DMS the “Guidelines for Excellence in Behavior”?
Say it ain’t so.
Not the first time and unfortunately probably not the last.

“I wrote the rules. Therefore I am exempt from said rules”

Yeah. This will be an interesting topic of discussion for the next ~30 days.

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Astounding that more than zero members of DMS support theft from DMS.



Not sure if you mean me (I hope not), but I certainly do not support theft from DMS.


Not a total surprise when you consider ~2k members.
Some feel they are self entitled and therefore it’s not theft.
Causes one to wonder about the parental units.
Someone out there is putting together a nice bench at home at the expense of the ELAb.
Some one might want to intervene if I find out who…


NOPE NOPE NOPE (insert those dudes from Sesame Street here)…did not mean you at all. Just a general comment on the whole situation.


Art we already lost metcal hand rest due to mishandling. What else is going on here? What else was taken? Can you point me to the thread?

Around the time Electronics moved to its new location, I noticed the following items missing:

  1. Panavise bench clamp vise
  2. Fluke 115 meter

More recently a Fluke 114 meter went missing from the toolbox for over a week. It mysteriously reappeared this past weekend. A panavise w/ base is missing.

I hot glued the Metcal iron hold back together. It’s on the bench.

The cameras have been installed and are on line.
I don’t mind equipment being used in other parts of DMS as long as it’s returned back to the ELab.


Times are tough. I may have an extra. I worked at Synqor and had a left over in a box or something. Given the insanity at makerspace about corona virus i might cancel my membership. Not really because of disease but because people are deciding the whole thing is an excuse to have bad behavior.

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Something like this?

So this is what when missing?

Will anything else be a good buy to replace it? because that is 150 and seems like we could get two of something else… It is pretty tough. I like the different model i have…

maybe craigslist is a good idea?

The bench clamp panavise has been replaced - and painted ELab yellow.
There are currently things being done to take care of the problem.
We also have Committee Funds to cover this.
Trust me when I tell you its being taken care of.

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painting our stuff is a good way to mark our stuff. it makes it much harder to sell


Or find it some where on the DMS campus.
Painting and other “things”.

The uglier the better.

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Vibro-etching DMS in several places also helps in recovery.


Rust-Oleum Sunburst Yellow Rattlecan.
You can see it across the flex area…

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