T ouse the drill press do you have to take a training class? What does require training besides the cnc and lathe
The drill press and bandsaw do not require training, although as with most tools make sure you understand the operation and safety requirements (safety glasses is mandatory). The lathe and bridgeport mill require training as they are our only red category (i.e. they’ll kill you if you let them) tools. The sherline tools require training, not because they are dangerous but because they are easier to damage.
I am a new member and would like to take a Bridgeport mill class. I have so far taken machining courses at Richland Community College and I am interested in using the mill to work on my class projects. When will there be another “certification” class held for the Bridgeport?
Next time I’m at the Space, tomorrow in fact, I’ll be there through the evening. If you can get together with me we can see if you can test out.