Not tonight. Was there really late - 2AM couldn’t get onto the lift till midnight. The one F’img hose I didn’t get, because most places don’t carry it, and wasn’t aware it was even there was definitely one of the ones that was leaking., It had a small abrasion, no idea from what, and of course it was one of a couple hoes that had a big diameter at one end and a smaller at the other - so couldn’t just cut one to size, it’s about 6" - 8" long. “pump to pipe” name does not include “hose” in it so didn’t show up.
It was leaking bad. Fortunately, the hole was in an area that the hoe was over the fitting, just barely. So I Red Neck field repair patch: 1" by 3" 6-layers of duct tape patch over the area and a hose clamp to hold in place in place and apply pressure. It seems to be working. Got home, searched for item, couldn’t find it. Used Google images of “coolant hoses” was able to find it and the vendor, ordered last night. Should be here Monday. Will be up there then.
The front exhaust rubber grommet had slipped off and allowed it rattle against body, hooked that back up. There’s a spot with a small gap where tail pipe goes over the rear axle assembly that needs to be adjusted - I suspect unless I cut and reweld won’t be able to bend so may just tap a small flat spot about 3/8" by 2" where the tight spot is. What was weird, was I had a noise that was happening when I let off the accelerator was a rattle, sounded almost like transmission noise, I thought bad engine/transmount allowing exhaust to hit frame maybe. They all looked fairly new, not old.
Alan was there, looking at thinghs and he went the the left front wheel and wiggled it - there was play. He said this thing will loosen up, the thread locking doesn’t work. He re-tightened it, since there was not enough thread to get second nut on to lock it, I put red Loc-tite onto. Some nuts I don’t want to come off. Will get a replacement nut, put a couple small strakes on it and then put on.
On the way, no apparent/significant leaf, no exhaust rattle, and no noise that was due to the wheel. It was quiet actually. What surprised me about the wheel was there was no shimmy or pulling.
This is becoming quite an experience.
If Stan does fix his Golf, what would you say it is worth? I might consider the diesel swap you suggested but can haven’t body parts and trim form it for Cab.