Trading deck - Battle station


The bulk of work one would be doing is research, that’s where the tablets shine and majority of the software is cloud based anyways. Everything else from there is being on top of business and financial laws, knowing basic accounting, and setting up a consulting firm.

For the tech side; We’ll be using the surface pro to run the trading software and developing our data models which would be deployed to heroku via docker images.


Our goal is to build an inexpensive but effective mobile trading battle station that even an average Expat and Maker could build.

Bill of Materials

Quantity Item Price Details
1x Samsung 22" Display Free from donation shelf Secondary screen or display for chromecast
1x Chromecast $40 after tax (discounted shelf from wal-mart) For casting chrome tabs of tickers/sites or news videos
3x Kindle fire tablets 49.99 used with and software stack below for ticker streamers
1x Surface pro 16Gb 1,499.99 Go pro or go home. Seriously; a modern chromebook would do great here especially with the gsuite pairing but the specs on this machine are perfect, just the right graphics and enough ram to run all the trading software, tons of chrome tabs, video streaming, and still have power left over to run docker for market analysis bots
1x USB Display $89.99 Secondary screen for on the go or when the tablets/chromecast/samsung is tied up.
1x Crypto Wallet $60 Coinbase is great but crypto is decentriallized like paper money so its best to own your hashes plus crypto doesn’t loose value when you put it in your mattress
1x Trading account $2000 with this setup one can start with the basics and just jump into a few simple etf trades then turn turn those around to build up further wealth. Optimally though one should start with at lease $10k here to really make a good return on investment.

Software stack


Active Trader Pro

Battle station in action

** To be documented below **

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Cool idea, it’s definitely cheaper than a Bloomberg terminal. I do think the kindle screens being all separate interfaces limits their value, you can’t drag windows over to them, etc.

I also feel like I have to say this for any impressionable readers, technical analysis/algorithmic trading is mostly nonsense and you shouldn’t do it with money you can’t afford to lose.

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Save yourself some time. Go program it on Quantopian. They’ve already got the backend setup for you, and they have access to the most expensive part of this whole scheme: the data feeds. Not just live quote streams.

I agree with JRay. The data is the most important part. Most data out there is not reliable.

Tradestation has one of the best platforms for backtesting against good data for free (individual accounts). If you’re planning on interfacing with AI for real or simulated trades go with Ameritrade.

you can’t drag windows over to them, etc

They’re not meant to be dragging things, That’s where the and tradingview apps come in. They already have the screens that one would want and when I need to keep my hands on the keyboard that’s where airdroid comes in.

I also feel like I have to say this for any impressionable readers, technical analysis/algorithmic trading is mostly nonsense and you shouldn’t do it with money you can’t afford to lose.

Completely correct. One cannot predict the market and trying to “time the market” always leads one to miss out on opportunities. But as long as one has a diversified portfolio, a healthy understanding of risk tolerance, keep learning, and build a stable trading strategy then they should be good. There’s more to it but overall these are the important parts to note when getting started.

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