My name is Andria Lawson. We are visiting with my family of 4. My son is 18 and is
super interested in your MakeerSpace. We don’t have these where we live. He is interested in 3D printing, woodworking and blacksmithing. We would love a tour. We will be here today- Friday. We could do a tour at anytime during those days. Thanks so much!
I could give you a tour tonight. Pick a time, it takes 45-60 minutes to see everything.
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Thank you so much, but we are just getting into town and eating. Could you do it Tues-Friday anytime? Sorry that was my fault. I thought we would be here sooner.
I could do tuesday lunch time 11:30, or anytime friday.
Tonight as late as 10pm.
Otherwise post when you are free, I’m sure someone could give you a tour.
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11:30 tomorrow would be great! Thanks so much!
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I’ll meet you at front door, north end if the building facing monetary lane at 11:30
Great. Thanks! We’ll be there.
We are here
I just got done with a work call i will be there in 15 minutes, ring the doorbell, if someone answers sign the waiver on the kiosks
Ok , got it. Thanks