Tour Before Joining?

I m also interested in becoming a member. I have blacksmith classes on Saturday morning. Could I have a tour during the week? Anytime from 9 am to 6 pm works for me.


I will be available from today from 4-5.30, and tomorrow from 5-6. Let me know which time works for you. If neither time works, another member can help!

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Would someone be available to give me a tour during the week? I have from 9 Am to 6 pm available, Monday to Friday Or Saturday afternoon after 1 pm.


Hi Amelia,
Can we meet today?

Sure. I can get there as early as 4.30. Let me know when you plan to arrive so I can meet you there.

I will be there by 4:30. Is there a door bell to ring?


Yep! But I should be there to let you in.
The front door is at the end of the building, exactly where the red marker is.

We are here. Sitting in my car. Still very hot outside :blush:

You can ring the bell and see if somebody can let you in! Google says I am 10 minutes out because there’s a giant wreck on 35

You can go up and ring the doorbell. Somebody might be around to let you inside.

I wait for you

I’m here! Getting out of my car now


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