Tour Availability?

Hello, my name is Angelo and I was checking to see if anyone is available to provide a tour at any time on Tuesday, 6/18 (tomorrow)? I am also available this Thursday or Friday after 5 pm.

I was hoping to sign the waiver and set up my key fob so I can start making as soon as possible.
I am especially interested in the jewelry space and ceramics, so if you know more about those, that would be helpful as well, but any assistance is appreciated!

Thank you :slight_smile:


I’ll be around tomorrow afternoon and evening until 7.


Welcome! For the Ceramics area, you’ll need to take Ceramics 100 Orientation, either in person or online. (In person is preferred).

In person: Various Wednesdays and Fridays, and the 2nd Saturday of the month. The next one is this Wednesday. Calendar link here:


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Thank you, I’ll look into that!