Tool Training Request - Bridgeport 2024/06

I have completed the Bridgeport self-study. I was hoping to run into somebody who could certify me over the last week or two while I worked, but the shop seems pretty quiet most of the time. Could someone on here train me on the Bridgeport and Kalamazoo? I’ve reached the limits on what the Sherlines can do for me on my current project.

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Keep an eye on the Calendar. @BobKarnaugh typically teaches the machine-side class before the monthly Machine Shop meeting. This month that’s Saturday 6/22. The meeting is at 5 pm, and Bob usually teaches the class at 3 pm.

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In fact I am posting a class for Saturday the 22nd @ 2pm. It should show on the calendar on Tuesday.



ooh, bad timing for me, I’ll be out of town that weekend…

Unfortunately I will be out of town that weekend. Is the training on the Bridgeport on a monthly basis or is there possibility of a course before the Machine Shop meeting in July ?


Sean, Rbuckalew,

In July, before the committee meeting, I’ll be teaching the Lathe class. Usually I alternate giving the mill and lathe classes before each monthly committee meeting. Of course, I am not the only committee member who can give these classes; just the one who does on a regular schedule.

If there is an accumulation of, say three or more persons, that can’t make the scheduled class, I’ll schedule an irregular class late June/early July so folks don’t have wait until late August to get started on projects.



Thanks Bob !

Robotic One and Sean,

I am thinking of scheduling a “makeup” mill class for Sunday, July 7th, 2-5 pm for those that couldn’t make last Saturday’s class. Can you folks make that time?


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I can make that!

I can, thanks very much!