Tool Time with Tim Thursdays 6-8pm


I will probably schedule a mill class on October 28th, in the afternoon before the committee meeting.


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Hey all, I will not be having a tool time tonight. It’s my wife’s birthday and I’m going to spend some time with her.


Hey there @TBJK , would you be in today (Oct 18)? I’d like to start walking through ideas for a project with someone while I wait for the class to get certified on the bridgeport! I’ve used one in another makerspace in the past so I have familiarity with working with aluminum to hit the ground running but DMS has other tools I’ve never had the pleasure of working with :slight_smile:

Yes I will be there this evening.

FYI @BobKarnaugh has a Bridgeport class on the calendar for 10-28.

Hey Tim (@TBJK),
Will there be a Tool Time this week (12/7/23)?

I’d like to pick your brain on VFD’s.

Mike C

Yep I will be there


How about this week? We’re chatting with a college student about lathe usage possibilities.

Edit – they won’t be in town until Monday, so it doesn’t really matter for this.