Time to ban oil changes!

930 Sat night arrive to oil on the floor. Abandoned oil filters and gallons of used oil ‘hidden’
Tired of cleaning up losers messes and taking their oil to the parts store.

Really people

Pulling video…


Not time to ban oil changes. Time to ban people.


Yes this is a people problem. If you would like an interlock you can put it on the lift just like the woodshop and stop people that leave these messes and make them take training and perform a cleanup day.
Time for consequences!


An interlock is a great idea but the lift isn’t necessary to change oil. I guess we don’t even know if they used the lift (yet).

Not that my opinion counts for much but I something harsher than a temporary ban from the lift or automotive is in order. Maybe a ban tied to some cleanup service makes more sense. I know I routinely go for months at a time without using automotive and a 30 or 60 day ban from there would have zero effect on me.

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Agreed with everything hopefully these members can be held accountable


If bans don’t happen for such behavior, it will continue.


Yes, the Board and Infrastructure are interested in curbing poor member behavior like this. Thanks.

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The chair of the committee needs to be notified and they should be able to issue a committee ban and/or require someone to retake classes. The chair can also escalate to the board for a ban from DMS. In my opinion theft should always be escalated to the board but failing to clean should probably be handled at the committee level for the first offense.

Unfortunately we do spend a ton of time on disciplinary action - documenting, notifying and talking with the people involved. We are working to curb this behavior, especially theft, as quickly as we can as volunteers.


I think a class retake is needed. The call for off with their heads is to quick and to drastic.

Pull the video, ask questions then talk to the person one on one. Find out what their motive was. The first offense should not be a ban. I’m baffled by that.

I’m curious why the oil was hidden did they plan to come back for it cause they did not want it to slosh it in their car? Or did they just didn’t want to deal with it?


An easily foreseeable problem. Instead it potentially sloshed in someone else’s car.

Oil on the floor and oil filters left around are not oversights. That’s just not giving a damn about the space or anyone else. It’s not an accident.

An accident is occasionally forgetting to put a socket where you got it because it’s among the five thousand things other people left out on the tables.

Leaving to get a different vehicle to haul oil would be understandable if a note was left on the oil container with an expected return time. Or a note on talk. Something other than just walking away from it. I’m willing to bet the camera won’t show someone coming back to look for the oil they left.


does Automotive have a chair? Doulie elected Joe King was rejected by the board and no one was named in his steed. In the name of TRANSPARENCY just who should be notified?

Here’s the meeting minutes where @TLAR was appointed chair.



It seems as though the interim chair appointment may have expired. A new chair appointment was to occur before 45 days and it is like 67 days now. Has there been a committee nomination vote?

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I am pretty sure I forgot an oil filter that I put in the catch pan to drain on Saturday. The filter was still attached to a housing so it is easy recognizable. We did not do any oil change this weekend and did not hide any oil. We mopped the floor around the lift before we left at around 2:30PM on Sat. We will pick up the filter tonight after work.


can you SHOW the video(condensed perhaps) in this thread?

I see the usual (non automotive) overly sensitive (not you Carey) have their pitch forks out.

The simple fact is /are - if the oil hidden (or a mess was left)- then yes ban the perp or perps

An occasional oil pan & filter left behind is understandable. Many have done that including former board members and committee chairs - it isn’t the end of the wold, but they didn’t leave a mess and they informed me of what happened.

Those twits calling for unrealistic demands like “no more oil changes” can go pound sand or just go away. Their input is obviously not constructive nor does it offer a realistic solution.

Mr Redmond - if you have suggestions - I’ll be up there later this evening.

Oil changes depending on the vehicle don’t require necessarily require a lift, a jack, or anything other than a drain pan & a wrench.
Oil capacity can range from under 3 quarts to about 26 quarts depending on what is brought in the workshop area.

Thanks again Carey for the head’s up!
I was at MSR Houston Sat and Sun with Ride Safe.


How was MSR? Haven’t been down there in year.

After pulling video, there was a vehicle with an engine swap that started Friday night and continued well into the day Saturday. The group doing the work cleaned up the oil they had spilled, but it looks like they were tired and forgot the jug of oil and filter. Tom knows who they are and will be handling any appropriate discipline.


Whether the committee takes action, I believe this should rise to the level of board action.

Edit: just read Stans past. Good.

I talked to the guys that I THOUGHT had left the oil, and they had in fact only MOVED the oil from next to the lift to over at the side where it was found later.

The jug of oil was not there before the Orange Race Car Crew was working on the lift Thursday, and was there after they left. I could not see which one of that group actually left it there.