Are there any classes teaching how to TIG weld beyond the “show me what you got” class?
I have a project in mind that will require welding Aluminum plates. I have about 15 minutes of experience welding mild steel.
I’d love to get some additional instruction on how to weld Aluminum so I don’t completely butcher my project.
I wish! I’d love to teach something like that, but the issues I have with it are the following:
- We don’t have enough teachers. Any non-qualification class I teach is going to be taking time from the qualification classes and right now, I have classes of 8 that and extra 5 to 7 standbys show up “just in case” someone no-shows. I couldn’t teach enough of these classes if I taught one a week and I try for once a month.
- Classes that focus on skills like this tend to be more adapted to individual’s projects and so they are less applicable to a class of 8 or 10. This means that even if I could teach them I’d be almost one on one or one on 4 and that would further limited the number of students I could help.
- Quite a few of the classes like this are “out of my capabilities”. People don’t realize that while I teach the class, and I work hard to make sure I do a good job, I’m not a professional welder and teaching a class on more than just here’s the machine and how to get started would take some studying on my part.
- There’s just me for TIG. There are other people knowledgeable about welding at the space for other processes but TIG is less common, and while I can think of 2 or 3, they are the Subject Matter Experts in “all things” so they don’t have time to teach a class like this either.
There is some hope though with outside teachers. My dad is a professional welder and would love to teach a class like this.
I also have a “wait list” of people who trade favors or sometimes cash for welding one on one and project help. This is my time where I realize I’ve got to be up there for one thing or another but don’t have the 10 days advance to register the class. With that in mind it may take me a month or two to get to you, but I’ll do my best and I don’t let it get in the way of teaching classes for obvious reasons.
Could i help with #1 on that list? I’d be happy to help do the qualification class. If I observed your class once or twice and then did it with you observing me would that suffice to set me up?
I agree that the class size for this type of instruction. If it was an actual class it would also require some work to setup the lesson plan. Frankly, I’d keep it simple and aim for about 2 hours and focus on 1 or two skills. Like here’s how to join two pieces and here’s how to do a T join (or whatever they’re called). Perhaps a little about setting up the table to secure your material prior to welding. But from a practical stand point: I’d slash content way down. It’s a Makerspace - you’re supposed to figure things out. That’s part of the fun.
Anyway - I’m serious about helping out. While I’m not skilled as a welder I can show people how to not kill themselves and at least get started. If that would help take the load off you, I’m happy to jump in.
Sure! That’s actually the exact process. I’m planning on doing a class or on Sunday two weekends out, I’ll let you know when I know times and we you can watch/attend and we can discuss afterwards.
Excellent. Hopefully we can a few people to spread the load out.
Maybe then we can think about other teaching opportunities.
Is afternoon (between 2 and 5) of the Sunday the 11th good for you two? That’s when I was planning on teaching it so I’m hoping yes.
Works great for me.
Class added. It’s two part (one part safety and one part welding) and it’s from 2 until 5 on Sunday the 11th.
See y’all there. If you’ve already been qualified on the equipment then don’t register for the class. If you haven’t been qualified then just take the class as normal.
Already did the class so I’ll be there to observe.