Thunder 51/100 for sale - DMSinterested?

Hey hey

I know the committee has discussed the possibility of new lasers… not sure where we’re at with that or if it’s even in budget vs cost of repairs but I’m sharing this and I’ve reached out to the owner to see if it’s still available. If this is something Burt and team are interested in, I can get the contact info for the owner. I’d actually buy it if I had the space and was in a financial position to do so.

Thanks for letting us know. Big Thunder seems to be working, but it hasn’t been released to production. We will present it to the committee for consideration.

Awesome. They lowered the price to 10k and said they’re open to offers

The committee enthusiastically debated the idea, but since the Laser’s bed size is smaller than Big Thunder’s, we decided to not pursue the opportunity. We felt it would almost be another duplicate of Donner/Blitzen, it wouldn’t add enough new capability for the space taken. Thank you for letting us know about the opportunity and have a nice weekend.

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