Throwing Class Interest

Im interested in learning how to throw on the wheel and I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in taking a class with me if an instructor is available.

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I’ll take all the practice I can get!


What days are you looking for? We have several members who teach beginners and their days vary. :slight_smile: @Team_Ceramics

I can make time whenever if given notice. I’m cool whenever someone has time.

Then i am sure one of the beginner ceramics folks will be putting up a class soon if they see this post. Keep an eye on the schedule. If you havent taken ceramics 100, look for that class as well.


@Monikat and @jamierazzz what say you???

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I just had one last Monday that didn’t get filled. I’ll put one up in a week or so but I need best times for you all so we can get you in.


I have put in two beginner throwing classes that should appear on the calendar in the next 48 hours. They are for Friday evenings of
April 5 &
April 19th
Make sure to jump on them fast! There are only 4 spots in each class and they fill quickly.

Folks! A reminder especially in the high demand throwing classes, please make sure you can come if you sign up :writing_hand:

We want to be able to get everyone in who wants to learn ASAP and that means we can’t have no-shows in those classes.

:ballot_box_with_check: Thank you for double checking yalls schedule before signing up to make sure you can be there.


Signing up for the one on April 5th as soon as it’s available!


@jamierazzz Thank you for scheduling the beginner throwing classes. I’m signed up for April 19th. Can I bring a friend to join and pay extra? She’s not a member yet but I’m sure that she will want to join after your class.

Just butting in here. The class already shows full. The throwing class is limited by the number of wheels we own. So I would say that you can’t. I mean, you could bring her, but she’s not likely to be able to participate.

Thanks for the extra interest :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t have my throwing classes open to non-members, and the ceramic 100 course is mandatory for all members of the ceramic space first. We’ve had new folks jump the gun on making things before knowing our shelving system, community rules, and mandatory glaze requirements and it was bad for our fellow members and the safety of pieces going through at the space. That said, all of my ceramics 100 classes are open to members and nonmembers alike, and I do save time to sign folks up and get them their key fobs directly after that class. I’m teaching one tomorrow at 10am, with more to come in the future, and possibly more already on the calendar now. Thanks again for asking and looking forward to Friday!


Jamie, I have cancelled my participation in your grafitto class on 4/26. However the class continues to appear in my list of classes to attend. Attached the link with the cancellation. I cancelled on Sunday April 7th. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to avoid taking up a space that I won’t be able to use since I’ll be out of town. Thank you. Dafne

No worries, I believe it will open back soon. Nice to meet you and hope to spend more time with you in the future!