Things we need in Machine Shop

Blue layout fluid. This is what I have but another source may be better. The stuff we have out there is very dilute and barely puts color on.

Inserts for the lathe cutoff tool. I could not find any. We also need to take inventory of the inserts we have. We seem to have a lot of CCMT insert but I’m not sure we have inserts for all of the tools. I think we have some that don’t fit anything. I would do this but I really don’t know what insert goes with what tool. I’m going out today and I’ll shoot some pictures of what we have.

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Speaking of things needed in the machine shop. Do we have a die filer? That would be great to have.

I looked at the inserts on top of the drill bits. There may be others in hiding.

We have as least some for the Shell Mills

Lot of these triangle inserts

A boat load for this boring bar. They may also be used in some other holders.

A few for the right and left hand tools.

These are screw cutting insert ( I think) that I don’t think we have a holder for.

We have no inserts for the cut off tool and no spares for the thread cutter.

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I have a set of metric R8 collets that I am willing to loan/give. (depending if Machine Shop wants them) I just need to make a holder for the 12 of them.

We have a set of metric R8 collets in the cabinet. We haven’t got around to creating a holder for them yet though. Thanks for the offer though.

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We have a holder, just not assembled and mounted. Will hold all of our collets.

I went looking. Didn’t see them.

Maybe should look harder…

They are probably in the teacher’s cabinet. Until the rack is set-up there is no way to protect them.

If you know someone with access they can open and get it for you.

They were buried in the back.


The cabinets need a through cleanup and re-org. We’ll definitely need more storage once the expansion happens.

We are missing some drill bits, mainly metric and numbered if memory serves.

Also the hand tapping machine is missing some tap holders.