The Ultimate Ceramics Throwdown 2024 (6/22)

Our second annual event, The Ultimate Ceramics Throwdown is TODAY! June 22

The Dallas Makerspace Ceramics Department Throwdown is a super fun experience. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a budding artist, we have events for everyone. You can even participate in some of the events, even if you have never held clay in your hands!

Come watch your fellow makers and friends participate in contests like:

  • Blindfolded Throwing
  • Biggest 8 Pound Throw
  • Coil Building Height
  • One-Handed Hand Building
  • Two Oz. Throwing
  • Two-Person Hand Pull
  • Two-Person Throwing
  • Pinch and Guess
  • How Many Pots
  • Freehanded Clay Weigh
    …and much more!

So come to compete, lend a hand, or simply enjoy the show.

Your support makes all the difference!


Lol, too much fun:)
Here’s a candid snap of one of the events.


Haha, :eyes: the Art.

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Gosh! We had so much fun at this event. I am uploading some additional photos. Sorry I can’t upload any video. Check out the DMS Instagram and other social media for more coverage.

They look like they are relaxing, but they were creating sculptures with the clay behind their back!

I’m not sure what you can do with one hand, but this group can sculpt!

The 4-team relay on the wheel was exhilarating! It was kind of like the Olympics! We had the kids vote for the winner.

The Throwdown events were great for the family.

A Classic event at DMS and the Great Pottery Throwdown, was how many bowls you could throw in 10 minutes. Many tried, but only one could win.

In all the events, there was major concentration and intensity, but mostly just fun, food, and games.*

If you weren’t there, sorry you missed a great time, BUT we’ll see you next year!