The Status of Wiki

I noticed that the WikI access tab has been removed from the DMS home page but can still be pulled down from Member portal “WikI (historical)”. I must have missed any announcement about the Wiki status change.

My issue is: Is DMS Wiki going into a non maintenance mode? Reason is that I have training material that has numerous references to locations within Wiki. Do I need to revise these references?


Hi Bob,

The wiki is stable but aging. The long term plan / hope is to migrate toward Source (aka Confluence). (No plans to shut down the wiki.)

I’d be happy to start migrating / cloning pages for Machine shop up to the Source areas and link them both directions. If you have any suggestions on which pages to prioritize, I could jump in and get working.



So, there is some thing for the committee to mull over.

On another subject, a member asked me how to find which ADs he his a member of. I know that some time there had been a portal that one could FOB swipe and it would give the corresponding member’s AD list. Is that still available? Also, when a member goes to “Member Portal” from the home page and then goes to the “learn” tab, there could be a utility right there for reviewing the member’s AD list (viewing the past learning that resulted in user authorization).


Last I knew, the kiosk in the Common Room can still be used to scan the badge & report group memberships.

Nothing else about this should be used, but MakerManager4 does report AD membership.

(do not confuse this with Maker Manager 3, where we manage badges, addon logons, etc. and is linked as the “Member Portal” on the home page)

Obviously, I don’t want to get in the way of anyone doing whatever to Learn, but modifying Moodle is…cumbersome.

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