The sky isn't falling. We shouldn't be attacking each other

I know it is weird these words coming from me. I tend to be the spark not the water. But, I think the sudden almost explosion in the threads are based on built up need to change a few things. Maybe those involved on both sides of these topics need to take a second and probably start the threads over. Instead of defensively pointing fingers at each other maybe we should listen to what is being said.

Financials (Ben you’ve been doing a great job, especially because the job is so large and confusing that others have tried to help but it hasn’t been easy to spread the load)

Our financials where in the past either so small they didn’t matter or growth came at levels it forgave or miss handling. Now things are different, our spending has caught our growth. We need to look at financials in a new way. This is being done as Ben has been reaching out to a CPA that is versed in non-profit organizations. Now will the transition be quick enough for everyone’s liking probably not, but transitions are happening. And for those that think we need a rainy day fund, we have one, it is not as large as some would want, but we do have one.

Rearranging of Warehouse space

We have many ineffective setups in our warehouse. It may be time to consider this. But, lets not use a rearrangement of the ware house be a scape goat of getting rid of a committee. If we need to get rid of a committee, lets do that separate of the reorganization. When it comes to reorganizing lets talk with the committee heads and see what their needs are as well as the spaces needs. If that falls through then it is time to bring the fire. But, as many of our committees heads bring much of the free labor to the space they are already more likely to work these things out.

That is my two cents and even if nothing changes today, I feel the bit of fire that has gone down today has brought some attention to our issues. The boat is still a float and not yet taking on water.

Please be kind, we are all floating together.


It’s ironic that when I first saw your post it was next to the post on building black powder rockets. Hhmmmm…

Couldn’t pass it up. :laughing:

Well said Nick…

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Damn well said!

Concise and yet poetic…

The greatest value that DMS has to offer is not just in our space, our tools and our skills, but in our relationships with each other.

Let us NOT damage that as our connection to each other as a tribe is what has propelled DMS to the top Makerspace in the world.

JAG “We Now Return You To The Sanity Channel” MAN


Yeah it is hard to see what can be perceived as infighting happening on the forum but it is good to be transparent. However we should remain respectful to eachother.

As far as space goes a good rule of thumb could be that if it isnt usable 70 percent of the time it needs to go. There is an enormous lathe that i dont even think is connected to power. A large drill press also not connected… Bulk of the project storage allocated to a few people who were lucky enough to stake a claim early on and never relinquished it…

Nuat use commen sense. If it hasnt moved or doesnt work or unused…get rid of it.

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You should check out the Machine Shop Tasks if you want a scoop on the two items you mentioned. Things don’t happen the instant you would like them to. Feel free to pitch in.

Edit: on that note, I wonder how much of what has transpired today stems from a lack of comprehensive understanding of another committee’s inner workings…

I was just making an observation that having been coming to the space for the last few months ive never seen them operational.

…because they aren’t. One is pending a bearing replacement. The lathe is slated to be sold. Both are listed on the Task page linked above and in progress. They are owned by DMS.

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