The Pull Thing In the Right Hands

Video of Ben enjoying his first pullski experience.



What’s the estimated range?

I ran it for a couple miles today myself after this guy and all the other interested DMSers on that day. It has not been charged in days, and still going strong. I would say unknown, but far.

To be specific, its 8000mAh @ 48V.

For me I am horrible at inline skates, worse at skateboard. I feel comfortable going up hill, not down, because how to stop. I’m interested in regenerative braking circuitry because then downhill becomes easy.

I may have even used too much battery here. It seems endless right now, but I need to quantify this somehow…

My husband saw this in action and desperately wants one now

Thats encouraging.

I think the plan is to offer baseline model like this at < $300 price point. I’d like to be cheaper, but need to get volume up to drive component cost down.

The thing really is quite fun though, even for brittle boned scaredy cats like myself…lol…


I just went with and got it for $8.99 per year. Bad title earlier on my part I guess…