The first 2018 Adafruit group purchase

Is anyone ready for another Adafruit group purchase?

Jay Johnson


I’m interested in some Adafruit goodness.

Please prepare your part of the Adafruit group purchase, by compiling a list of

  • Quantity - Part number - Unit price - Total price
  • Quantity - Part number - Unit price - Total price
  • Quantity - Part number - Unit price - Total price
    and sum your total order.

The group purchase will begin compiling Mid-January, and more detail such as discounts and timing, will be provided at that time.
As I recall, the discounts vary depending on the item. So, the final costs will not be available until after the compiling.

The minimum total for the group purchase needs to meet a minimum of $250 or so.

Jay Johnson

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Hey Jay! Will you be the one putting the order together? I got about $30 worth of stuff to toss on there.

Lampy said he could pick this up and get the GP going Mid-January.

I’ll step in by the end of the weekend if he cannot.

My order will be a bit over $200.

Jay Johnson

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Would like to be part of this order, but not sure if it’s already been placed?

The cutoff for submitting your list for The Adafruit group purchase, is Thursday January 25 at midnight.

Send the lists to me and I will compile the lists, and submit to Adafruit for bulk pricing on Friday January 26.
As soon as I get the response back from Adafruit, I’ll respond back to the group members with final pricing info so the funding can be prepared. I will accept order funding for a couple of days and then the final order will be submitted for fulfillment.

Please pay attention to the quantities on hand, as this will complicate fulfillment.

Send lists to [email protected] , with Subject ADAFRUIT GP

Jay Johnson

When is the next time you think we will do one of these? I need some rPi accessories.