Thanks for welcoming me, fellow radio operators

I met krgrantham, KE5KOF and another partner in crime at the space yesterday. They were very welcoming to the radio operator community, being a fellow operator. This is not always the case in this community.

I look forward to asking a bunch of questions, learning a lot, breaking a few things and getting younger people, < 30, interested and licensed.

Oh, and transmitting for the first time!


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i have been meaning to get my HAM license for awhile now. i would be interested in what ever your planning in that regard.

I recommend qrz for studying and practice tests. You create an account, it records your progress and lets you focus on those area where you need improvement.


already doing that one lol thanks walter

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The link to Now your Talking. When I followed it, I get Item not available. May be a violation of the ARRL copyright.

There are copies of recent operating handbook and Radio Amateur handbook inthe Electronics room for perusal onsite.

I took this class in Denton. It goes through everything you need to take the Technician Class test which is administered at the end the same day. If you understand electronics, my opinion, no prestudy is required.

Oh, I may have said I had a general license however I have a Technician Class.

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Another really good base kit for experimentation are the BitX rigs from India. These rigs are 40M SSB transceivers, with between 5-10W out. The basic radio is on a SMD pcb and is preassembled. You receive everything, except a case, which shouldn’t be a problem for DMS members. These are great radios to experiment with, especially if you don’t feel up to building an SSB rig from scratch. You can alter the band, increase output, etc. The rigs are supplied with and Arduino and a DDS VFO, so they are rock solid. I own two and can’t say enough good about them.

Only $59 for a 40m SSB transceiver!

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