You can go on line and register your entries at Creative Arts | State Fair of Texas by July 20th to enter, or call the Texas state Fair for a book 214-565-9931
At this time you do not have to have your entry ready , or even know what you want to enter. You are just entering for a spot, or spots in each category. Register and pay a $5.00 entry fee per entry. Seniors and kids pay a discounted price. Please make sure to check out the amateur qualifications.
There are several categories to enter! (I saw several slip cast entries last year)
You have until August to decide what you want to enter. Once you have decided what items you want to enter they will need to be dropped off at the Fair grounds Friday August 10th to Sunday August 12th.
Items that do not win an award during the judging need to be picked back up Sept 5th to Sept 7th.
This is a lot of fun!, I plan to enter some pottery and turned wood. I don’t qualify as an amateur in the other categories.
Good luck to any and all that enter. I had a buddy that would enter in photography every year. I always laughed as he lost to children, the judging tends to favor children more than quality in many of the categories.
any idea what there i could find the prizes in each category? I don’t want to spend $100 on a piece, and then win a $5 walmart giftcard. At least, not again…