Texas Power Rolling Outages



This exact same problem happened 3 years ago across a 9 state region in the southeast.

4 ISOs were involved. All the ISOs involved were under FERC.

And if you subtract the TVA from those 4 ISOs, all of them have more expensive power than we do. TVA really throws off the calculation because of the dirt-cheap hydro.

The only one I know of is Honda; it is pricy.

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I’m fortunate not to have a pool, but many are likely damaged or even ruined without power to keep the water circulating. A very 1st world problem.

That was said in 2011 and not much changed.

Interesting that the boosters have been recently making noises about hosting another Super Bowl until this reminder about our uncertain winter weather.

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Thank you for pointing out the silver lining; anything that keep a superb owl away from DFW is a win in my book!


As a side note here, my phone service is TracFone, who gets their service from one of the big boys (don’t know who). I’ve lost the ability to receive big text messages, and my data is no longer enough to load the one game that I’ll play if it’s costing me data. Haven’t gotten that back yet. I’ve got about 10 messages from my boss at Block that I can’t read. Of course she forgot that I told her I wasn’t getting texts, so I had to call her again to see what she was telling us. At least the phone service is still working.

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All Cell Towers get their critical timing via the GPS satellites. Wipe out the GPS system and all is lost. So much of our current infrastructure relies on GPS signals. Only recently has the US Navy brought back training to use the old fashioned “shooting the stars” technique with a Sextant for navigation just in case the GPS does not work. Hmmm…do they know something that we don’t?


Maybe this?

Old tech updated.

Fair enough, but more reliable service need not be New England expensive. The remediation that ERCOT itself recommended wasn’t terribly expensive.

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I’m sure this event is going to change some things. Insurance companies are going to pressure it to happen. I know of about so far of a half dozen sites (just getting started)with catastrophic damages to the equipment. Of those half dozen sites is 15-20 million in repairs just to get it back to normal. That doesn’t include the rental equipment, lost of production etc… and we are just getting started.


Samsung, Infineon and NXP had to shut down their chip fab operations in Austin when the city power utility needed to turn off more capacity. They did get notice so they could prepare but that will cause a dent in supply of whatever-it-is that they make. Chip fabs never shut down. I had a buddy who was in charge of all the robots at the AMD plant in Austin back in the day and he had a one-hour scheduled maintenance window for the entire year - the “fall back” hour when daylight saving time ended. Or so he told me - could’ve been embellishing a bit :smiley:

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I think everyone should have to PEDAL for their power:

Climate Change? SOLVED!!
Energy Shortages? SOLVED!!
Obesity Problems? SOLVED!!
Pasty-white, pudgy, over-educated, under-skilled, privileged, eternal-graduate-school-student activists with too much time on their hands? SOLVED!!

You are welcome, America. :us:

p.s.: when I said “everyone” above, I meant everyone but me.

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Thats a yes for convenience, but modern fronthaul equipment can transport timing signals steady enough to maintain LTE level bandwidth services. 5G slicing required super precise timing, so yeah that could be impacted

Just ran across this article

Some serious design flaws with this setup.
Replace lamp with laptop logged into social media.
Stay healthy while getting your fix.

Many inverters have USB ports, thus there’s likely a (not pictured) phone plugged in.

Anyone care to guess how long it takes 50 degree water to freeze in an 8” pipe/hose with the record cold we had?

8 hours? :blankspace:

Less than 5 hours, to make 120 ft of ice pipe… Next time I see you in person I tell you more about it.