Terms of Service TLDR


Cool Share!!!


I like this idea. I hope that it doesn’t get subverted or co-opted in the future if/when people have come to trust and rely on it.

I was surprised they didn’t have ratings for certain sites, like Facebook, already! And then while reviewing site noticed they already had an answer: https://tosdr.org/blog/why-no-class-yet.html. Although that explanation/excuse seemed a little thin, in my opinion as they have been “in business” since 2012: “Terms of Service; Didn’t Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a young project started in June 2012”.

This attempt to read aloud on a live stream the T&C of the 33 typical apps installed by their countrymen is what got me really paying attention to this debate: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36378215

Took 31+ hours


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I’m not a big fan of Big Gubmint intervention and regulation, since they tend to fck everyting up, but there is clear need for some legislation on this front. The credit industry had same general issues with contracts and term being to vague and incomprehensible and etc., just like Internet ToSs. The solution was a accurate summarization of credit terms in a standardized format that was required on every contract:


No, not Amy Schumer…her cousin (once removed), Chuck.


I’ll disagree with you here. The fed fcking with the credit thing has only made it worse. CONSUMERS need to quick “just clicking ok” and the case study participants need to state clearly “we’re not reading through all that muckity muck. Make your eula legible, intelligible, and concise, or we won’t install your crapware.” and then we need to actually DO IT.

But begging for Big Gubmint to take over our daily life is, apparently, easier and, some argue “better”…


I remain unimpressed by anything coming from that family…


No you won’t. I forbid it!

Gubmint fcking with all things credit, e.g, Dodd-Frank, is a problem and generally mucked up. But the Shumer Box went a long way to doing just what you indicated: making credit terms “intelligible, and concise”, and the financial/lending industry certainly wasn’t going to do it on their own.

"Government should do for people only what they cannot do better by themselves, and no more.” --Abraham Lincoln:

I have laughed at some of her humor/comedy in the past when she was up-n-coming, but she’d probably be excoriated and run out of town on a rail if she made the same jokes nowadays

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It isn’t possible to remove the government from this. The problem is all of the government rules that businesses have had passed to govern contracts. What we need is to do is scrap all of the laws about contracts and come up with a simplified replacement.

The purpose of a contract is so both parties understand their benefits and obligations under the contract. Granted the ultimate responsibility is the customer’s for signing the contract. If we had a court system that wasn’t heavily biased in favor of companies it would be better than it is now.

No matter what changes are made in the law they will soon revert back to the current condition until we get better consumers.

Russell Ward

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An issue in our economy - and perhaps other industrial economies - is that of rent-seekers welding themselves into the economy. I can appreciate the concept of professional responsibility and even the idea that some concepts can’t be reduced to the point that even a competent layperson can execute them, but the needle has swung too far. Numerous licensed professionals such as lawyers, accountants, certain aspects of the medical industry, and even a number of trades have manipulated the law and mechanisms of government so that one is either outright obligated to kiss the ring of the anointed or performing those same functions yourself is terribly cumbersome and you are subject to prejudice by the system not levied upon the anointed.


Oh pointy birds;
Oh pointy-pointy.
Anoint my head;

Are you sure you were laughing at her humor?

I have no clue what your talking about with this statement. (Gets yelled at for removing lips from the ass of the ATF just to allow legal personal gun work at DMS) :expressionless:

Wow! It’s kinda fun to just post something before work and then see the stream of consciousness that flows out by the time you get off work.

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Now you got me looking for DMS’s ToS for the websites. I can’t find one for the general public.