Tent pole fittings?

So I have this new tent. It’s a largish cabin style with “easy up” shock corded fiberglass poles.

I had this tent set up in a friend’s yard up i Murphy night before last for some mods we’re working on.

It got a little windy that night in that part of the area, and one of the aluminum tubes that connect the fiberglass pole pieces together proved unsuited to keeping the tent standing in severe storm winds.

Unfortunately, it did so by going from a 150 degree bent tube to being about a 35 degree bent tube.

I have steel replacements on the way, but those may not arrive in time. I have appropriately sized Aluminum tubing ( 11mm I.D. ) on the way that will arrive in time, but will need to be bent.

Do we have a press or a small tubing bender that can handle that sort of tubing ? The stuff I got is 1mm ID, 19mm OD, 6062. ( I know the usual plan is to fill it with sand first to prevent collapse. )

Heya TMC,

Not sure what they have at the space, but I’ve certainly had Murphy cause havoc on a project or two. I’ve also had to do something similar for a spandex installation a few years ago where we were making custom fittings and ferrules for fiberglass rod.

For bending the pipe, home depot has a pretty decent aluminum pipe bender. ( https://www.homedepot.com/p/VEVOR-3-in-1-Pipe-Bender-1-4-in-to-1-2-in-Manual-Level-Tube-Bender-0-to-180-degrees-Aluminum-for-HVAC-AC-Refrigerator-Repair-GGWGJG3143812H3PWV0/326322877?g_store=&source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PMax_JHU24&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D26P-026_007_PLUMB_REPAIR-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PMax_JHU24-71700000118544531--&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3tCyBhDBARIsAEY0XNmF9ofaNkdPw4d6WJqhqxh2Ic26CVKHOCxv4R2yfuWjn6XAm27qna0aAhcCEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds )

And depending on timing, you might want to look at some of the kite suppliers. We used Goodwinds a few years ago and they were great and have all kinds of connectors an ship pretty fast.

Hopefully that helps a little :slight_smile:

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Putting water in it and freezing is also another trick. The diacro in metal shop should be able to handle it. Not sure if the radius you need, you could turn a specific diameter to meet your center line radius requirement

The radius doesn’t have to be real specific.

The piece I need to replace looks much like this ( generic pic ):

tent fitting

Do we have mandrels that might work ?

A copper tube bender like that one @Shawn posted might work better than the diacro, I dont think we have anything with a groove to bend around but it’s a pretty shallow bend so deformation might not matter. You would need an 8-10" long piece to bend in the diacro.
I had a copper tube bender and may still have it but can’t remember where I might have stored it. If I find it I’ll let you know.

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It’s not really clear what the actual dimensions are. In one place the OD is described as 11.5 mm, in the initial post it’s 19 mm. The 11.5 mm will work in a 1/2" (~12.7 mm) OD bender with possibly some slight deformation. 19 MM is closer to 3/4" OD.

Note that 3/8" copper tubing has a OD of 1/2" and 5/8" has an OD of 3/4" so if you use a tubing bender those are what you’ll want.

The pic is just for reference. I have two sizes of tubing on order. One 14mm OD, the other 19mm OD. Both 11mm ID. My poles are 10.5mm OD.