Teaching pottery classes


Before putting up a ceramics class, is there anything I need to know or do? Does the committee have a syllabus instructors are required to go over?



Hi Michael!
Love that you’re going to flex your pedagogical muscles. Yes, I have a group with best practices, suggestions, syllabus templates etc. Stay tuned.


Okay- please double check and make sure you’ve been added to the group Ceramics Instructors group. Suggest scanning the info and discussion in the threads. Reach out to me if you have any student issues or concerns. :slight_smile:


I got it, I’ll look through and let you know if I have any questions.




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haha thanks! I’ve been seeing more and more pottery newbies struggling and want to give back to the community


While Amanda mentioned checking to make sure you’re in the Teacher’s list, that’s not really necessary in Ceramics. Only the Ceramics 100 creates an AD group (usually), and the Calendar doesn’t care.

For instance, I’ve been teaching sewing classes for a long time. That assigns an AD group, but I’ve never tried adding anybody manually because it’s not required anywhere. So, I tried to add somebody the other day (because I thought I might work on keeping that group up to date) and discovered that I’m not authorized to add folks! Which means I’m not on the Teachers group.

So, until we get some structured thing where you need to have A before you take B, you can teach the classes. Even then, it will only matter if you’ve got a student that’s not in the class group, and you have to add them manually. (edit)

Side note: if your class does assign an AD, be aware that you have to check attendance AND SAVE, and check the AD group AND SAVE. First thing I did an AD class, I clicked the attendance, then I clicked the AD group, and saved. Then I wondered why I didn’t get my honorarium, and it was because I didn’t save the attendance.


Hey Michael, please make sure that you are giving your newbies the information about labeling pieces and how our shelving system works.

^No name and date is in danger if being tossed.
^30 day max

Met one of your students who didn’t have that info, so I wanted to make sure it is part of your classes.


Man! I’ve been off Talk for way too long. I didn’t realize you were teaching now. Awwwww…so great seeing the student become the master and teacher. I remember your first pieces! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Now I want to see some of your new stuff! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sorry for reviving this ole thread, is there a link for the syllabi, might be able to do some classes in the summer (Beginners Wheel Throwing 101, Beginners Wheel trimming 102, Beginners Hand Building 101, Beginners Slip casting 101, Beginners Glazing 103).
Thank you

If anyone is teaching a pottery class on how to throw bigger forms, please let me know i would be very interested in taking it :slight_smile:

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Ok, I can put up a class for throwing a serving bowl on June 29th at 1:30 pm if that works. ($15)


Yess I would be interested in taking the class! Is there any chance we can do a slightly earlier time?

Yes, haven’t put it up yet, could do 10:00 am or 1:00 pm.

10am would be perfect,
Thank you for hosting the class!

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You bet, the ceramic serving bowl class has been posted

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Hi I’m on my way to the class! Running 5-10mins behind schedule feel free to start without me. I’ll catch up once I’m there.

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