Talk wants more characters than I want to type

So I see a lot of people use random characters to makeup whatever minimum the ridculously poor discourse software seems to demand.

Since the software loves to present conflicting mechanism you can use : blankspace : without the spaces near the colons to add twelve characters per use and it will display a mostly invisible square…

Or the settings could be changed to do away with the need for such ridiculous work arounds.

I believe relaxing the character count restriction requires modifying the source code. Which can be done but it means we own it.

haiku resolves all
limitations of Discourse
enjoy the journey


BTW, I still think the folks pounding this drum are being silly. It’s just not that big of a deal.
But yeah, it appears to be a setting:

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I agree @jast , not a big deal. I would guess the goal of the 20 character minimum is to not have a bunch of +1 comments. That said you can of course still do this with the white space trick. But, maybe you will consider the reminder a chance to add more to the conversation. At least that is what I think when I get the little reminder.

To me the only time it has been annoying is when I’m accepting a task that is asked of me. “Yes, I’ll do it” is less than 20 characters and a little annoying. possibly drop the barrier to 10 as a half step. Because everyone knows both Walter and I are not allowed to win any discussion with rational suggestions. O crap, I suggested 10, now there is no way anyone will accept that. Sorry Walter I can’t win for losing. (snark) :wink:

And what’s not to love
Haiku shares snark within bounds
Just to say me too


You assume the code is well organized (it is) and the check is performed in a small number of places (it is).

The keyword of interest is “min_post_length”.

Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don’t make sense


Yet another positive to haiku…


Haikus are meant to create a different perspective leading to a deeper meaning. For example;

Severely Cold and Wintry
I shed my coat
Enjoying making snow angels.


It’s a warm summer river:
above there is a bridge,
I ride the horse through the water.

(Disclaimer: the first one is an original the second, I abridged :sunglasses:)


limricks also are willin’
when posts need more fillin’
whip out your pen
put none sense in
they’ll fill your post even if you fail


Not a haiku …:sunglasses:
To many lines
Makes sense


Poetry duelin’
Also more fun on Discourse
Than dumpster fires. Word.