So I see a lot of people use random characters to makeup whatever minimum the ridculously poor discourse software seems to demand.
Since the software loves to present conflicting mechanism you can use : blankspace : without the spaces near the colons to add twelve characters per use and it will display a mostly invisible square…
Or the settings could be changed to do away with the need for such ridiculous work arounds.
I agree @jast , not a big deal. I would guess the goal of the 20 character minimum is to not have a bunch of +1 comments. That said you can of course still do this with the white space trick. But, maybe you will consider the reminder a chance to add more to the conversation. At least that is what I think when I get the little reminder.
To me the only time it has been annoying is when I’m accepting a task that is asked of me. “Yes, I’ll do it” is less than 20 characters and a little annoying. possibly drop the barrier to 10 as a half step. Because everyone knows both Walter and I are not allowed to win any discussion with rational suggestions. O crap, I suggested 10, now there is no way anyone will accept that. Sorry Walter I can’t win for losing. (snark)