Hey David! Awesome, glad you’re interested in weaving! I totally get the de-rusting thing. Been there, done that. Happy to help with it.
Glad you’re interested in teaching. The more the merrier. Right now there are three of us, including me, capable of warping independently, teaching, all different backgrounds, experience, and specialties, so could definitely use another. We can talk about all that later. But welcome! We have a nice group of folks interested in learning more.
Short answer, yes, there’s a good window right now if someone wants to use it. Main thing is we just need to coordinate on timing.
We just got the floor loom and will be warping that for a class soon, and the little loom a few weeks later. Kind of staggered starts when practical. So it’s open for a bit for a personal project.
Generally with the weaving area, we’ll be doing shared warps for those learning, which means instructor warps for several projects and students take turns weaving theirs off. With communication, we can easily accommodate windows for personal projects if someone can warp on their own.
Re what’s on there…no project, actually it’s just the short thrums I didn’t take off after I cut off the last warp (yeah I was in a hurry and didn’t feel like untying). Trash.
Best thing, I’d like to invite you to stop by a Fiberholic Fiberfrolic if you’re able. It’s our personal project social night and also where we do one-on-one training, plan classes and projects, etc. There’s one next Tuesday July 30, 7-9pm. (If not, we can figure out something else). And some further out if next Tuesday isn’t good. And feel free to pm me with questions
Also, if you are on Facebook, we have an active group on there and it’s the main place we communicate, reminders, questions, etc. Our group is “Dallas Makerspace Fiberholics”
A fiberfrolic would be a good time to give you an orientation on the weaving area, tools, books, we have, etc. And if you need help planning a project or refresher on getting going, can help with that. And feel free to bring a personal project and meet other fiber folks. We meet several times a month. Often Tuesday evenings, but occasional other days.
Do you have a project in mind?
It’s a 15” weaving width, 4H on that loom.
Have several different reeds for it, common dents (I think 8, 10, 12, 15, and one that’s 4or6?)
Have the usual tools, warping board, swift, bobbin winder, shuttles, etc
We have two draft books in the cabinet. The red version of the Davidson green book (and I have the green at home I can bring), and Handweaver’s Pattern Book.
I also have some personal 4shaft patterns I’ve bought/printed and some magazines. Had a lot of that up there last night while we were planning things, but can bring back next week
You think you might can join us at a fiberfrolic? That’s be simplest and you can meet everyone