so i bought a bunch of southern yellow pine for a project, and discovered that my tools were not quite up to the task. is that something i can use the battery powered tools outside of the woodshop for? and if so, is that something i can do inside?
@Team_Logistics can provide a comprehensive answer, but as far as I know the general workshop does not have a prohibition against yellow pine.
The complaint about using Southern Yellow Pine is that the sap really clogs the machines, like the planer. That said, I can’t see a reason that you couldn’t work it with the battery-powered tools out in the workshop. The sappiness doesn’t cause air-quality issues, so inside should be fine.
You are more than welcome to use the tools in the workshop area as well as any handheld tools [corded or cordless]. The only tools that have an SYP ban are the free-standing tools in the woodshop. Working inside is not an issue with SYP - I believe working outside is only required for pressure-treated lumber.
That us Correct for the SYP… pressure treated isn’t allowed in the building
I understand why this might be a rule, but is this written down anywhere? I can’t find anything other than a Woodshop meeting in 2020 that noted ‘No pressure treated lumber allowed in woodshop’.
It’s not clear to me that we want, or should allow, or that neighbors would appreciate, any dust-making activities out in the parking lot, anyway.
Strange no one is ever able to read the doors of the woodshop… here’s a link to the Wiki… it’s item number 2 banded materials
Since you seem to be confused, woodshop rules do not apply to the space as a whole.
The general work area, and the Ryobi tools in it, are not woodshop.
So, where is the rule that pressure treated wood is not allowed anywhere in DMS?
I’m not confused I was speaking about the wood shop! Those are the rules I was told by a board Member two years ago, No pressure treat Lumber to be cut in the building because of the chemical that use in the pressure treating process. It cause harmful air quality issues… I don’t need to see a rule for that!
If you want the board to make a decision on this, the best way will be to put it on the agenda for the next board meeting.
I’m glad we’ve established that there is no rule, yet.
The only thing that has been established is no one can find the written rule. That doesn’t mean there isn’t one… instead of being rube to one another I asked the board to weigh in on it… which should have been done in the first place…