I was reminded yesterday at the Blacksmith committee and again in this video how important the basics are.
I’m new to all of this and it is so easy to jump into something and try to go big but as I am learning, the basics are very important before wondering why the big project isn’t working the way you had hoped…
I plan on getting in there and practicing much more. I can’t wait until the new forge but I imagine the induction forge will work for this.
That is a truly fantastic video! Thanks so much for sharing Draco!
And definitely something that can be practiced on the induction forge, it works great for these little prodjects, keychain bottle openers are one of my favorites to do on the induction forge for practice
I’d love to be a fly on the wall next time you make another bottle opener @EthanWestern, that is pretty cool. I can’t make the next induction forge class, but it is on my list. I made a crude cheese cutter at the last open forge (thanks again to @brsims rad) and it is kind of addicting, or could be once my hand heals
Maybe a Hoplite SIG. Hybrid of Cosplay, Knife making and fired arts.
Bronze age knives and such would be great. Unlike Brass (Copper/Zinc alloy) is Bronze (Copper & Tin alloy) does not produce the toxic fumes - would still do pour outside. Would need bigger crucible that pumps a lot more BTU’s into the material. Knives could be made as they are a much smaller pour.
Maybe a Hoplite SIG. Hybrid of Cosplay, Knife making and fired arts.
While I’m not one for cosplay these days, all that and a class on the press (or power hammer if/when we have one) would be one of the things that would wrangle my arse into metal works.
I know there’s two metals I’ve been wanting to make, damascus style mokume Gane and Orichalcum. The later being great for a Hoplite sig.