I don’t see any reason for this handoff to exist, our Bylaws do not require a handoff. Directors cannot vote a board in, only a quorum of voting members can elect the Board of Directors.
The Board shall be elected at the annual meeting by a quorum of the members and their proxies. Their term of office shall be until the next annual meeting of members or until a successor has been elected.
If only we knew someone or someones who liked to make… I dunno… Costumey like stuff, or maybe ceremonial, symbolic weaponry…ah well. Guess that little dream will always remain so since this bunch doesn’t rub elbows with the type of adult who would participate in ceremonies or spend their time creating elaborate cleric-wear or making implements just to show them off at monthly or so gatherings…we certainly couldn’t have a colour march ingress/egress of the officers if a banner were invented (preceded by the overlords’ banners, of course)…