Super ware house sale and free wood

super ware house sale different items make an offer type deal
free used 2x10 lumber used for axe throwing

All at 418 e jones st lewisville tx 75057 warehouse with the 2 big silver stacks

today till 6 pm and again wednessday 8 to 5

come get a treasure our lose your gain

just wood?


no all sorts of items clothes some tools furniture

wood is free

please tell friends have to move this stuff out it is make an offer it all has to go come take a closer look
418 e jones st suite 300 bldg 5 lewisvile tx 75057
ware house with the grey silos

Please share this link or come find a treasures
418 e jones st suite 300 lewsiville tx 75057
ware house with the grey silos

Thanks Maker Friends.

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Josh - Iā€™m combining this with the other (seemingly duplicate) thread.