Please stop by Fired Arts tomorrow and vote for, or against Glass separating from Fired Arts and forming it’s own committee between 6:30 and 7:30 pm.
If you can not make by to vote, I will be happy to be your proxie, just send me a message and I’ll take the vote for you.
All DMS members may vote
Thank You,
Anita Willis
Just a reminder to stop by an vote tonight.
I will have a signature sheet on the table.
Thank you,
Anita Willis
Steve (hobbies2927) and April (coffeebean)) VOTE YES!!! Sorry couldn’t get out of the house quick enough.
Please share the results after the votes are tallied and finalized. Thanks!
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I signed at 8pm. Everybody wanted the split.
I don’t have the numbers with me at work but, we received about a dozen or so votes for glass to separate from from FA. there were no opposing votes. Oddly I just had a few votes pop into my message que that will need to be added. must be a glitch on Talk
The next steps are I believe to form a committee of at least 5 members, get the boards approval, and create a wikki page. I will post a meeting on the calendar soon.
I spoke with Christy Cooper last night, FA is meeting later this month, she has on the agenda for the FA committee to vote on releasing the equipment and supplies to the Glass committee. I don’t foresee any issues with this. I just want to make sure everything is done how is should be done.
Glass vote 21 for 0 opposed
I am wondering since I received messaged proxies yesterday that were 1 day old, if there was some i did not get?
glass vote.pdf (16.0 KB)