Is there any interest in stone carving at DMS?
I have been a stone carver (mostly in my spare time) for about 8 years. I wouldn’t mind teaching stone carving classes if people are interested but I don’t know what the procedure is for setting up something new like that.
Stone lettering
Large stone slab cutting
I just wanted to see if there is any interest and who I may need to reach out to.
Thank you
I’m thinking that’d be more in the Jewelry Area. They’ve got some lapidary equipment. Nothing big, really, but they’ve got the room, and are already set up for some wet cutting. Concrete floors vs the fancy flooring that Creative Arts has…
I’m interested!
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For sure for small carving, roses, pendants ECT. Stuff you could do with a rotary tool.
Anything with chisels and hammers would more than likely it would have to be outside or somewhere with good dust control.
Grinding stone would pretty much have to be outside or in an enclosed ventilated space of it’s own.
I’m looking for a department to help me put things together rather than host indoors, if that makes sense
You got my interest!!