STM32 - Getting Started

I’m looking forward to teaching my second Getting Started class for STM32. Currently waiting for the NUCLEO-F103RB boards to come in. I ordered 10, and expect them to ship 9/9/2022.
This next class will focus on the NUCLEO-F103RB, creating projects, printf(), command line interface, and LittleFS flash File System. Once the board have arrived, I will put the class on the schedule. If you have questions, let me know.
Just recently, I had two “Ah Hah” moments…

  1. If using printf(), and you print a character or two (to the serial terminal) but don’t see the characters…
    To correct this problem, add the following line to request the stdout stream to be unbuffered: setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  2. Unlike many of the UART/USART hardware modules of the past, the STM32-F103RB doesn’t have any buffering. Instead, it has DMA capability, allowing the hardware to put characters directly into your application’s buffer for you. Adding a few lines of code to implement DMA receive allowed my x-modem code to work flawlessly.

For the most part, we will be using this wiki for the class:

Looking forward to scheduling this class a little later this month…


The STM32F013RB boards ordered for the class were originally to arrive in August. The date was then moved to September by the supplier. I see now that the date has been moved out to December 29th…


Thanks for staying on it Jim. Maybe we could have a New Years Eve Party Class!


I just received a notification that the NUCLEO-F103RB boards are being shipped. I have a tracking number !


Will you cover how to use Free RTOS? Looking forward to the class.

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